Soul Food-Leo New Moon & How to Utilize It

August 18, 2020by Eva Starr0

This New Moon in Leo is occuring at 7:42pm/PDT & 10:42pm/EDT at 26* Leo. With the Sun (how we create), the Moon (how we express our emotions) & Mecury (how we think) all lined up in Leo, it’s time to be creative, let our inner child out to play, and it’s about time we have some FUN!

To add to the mix we still have those heavy duty planets, Pluto (slow transformation), Saturn (boundaries) & Jupiter (expansion) all lined up in Capricorn, we just need to be responsible & don’t throw caution to the wind. Mars in Aries is squaring the trio above, be wary of people who might be prone to anger. Tread lightly near fire my friend.

Start preparing for what lies ahead, with Virgo energy coming in September, clear away the clutter, and that includes the closets of your mind as well.

Here’s your New Moon abundance check link.

Thanks for the continued Love & Supprt,
Blessings to all,
Eva Starr

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