Soul Food-LAST CHANCE & Special Offer for Prior Astro Students

February 27, 2023by Eva Starr0
Astrology Made Easy
Astrology Made Easy
Astrology Made Easy

Soul Food – LAST CHANCE… 

Astrology Made Easy Classes Start Thursday!


Know a little or nothing at all? Discover what makes water signs emotional and why fire signs are hot under the collar. What does it mean when you’re a triple Scorpio? Learn about the “12” houses and planetary placements. Become skilled at understanding and navigating Mercury Retrograde. Go deep into comprehending the Dharma/Karma of your chart. Learn what makes your mate tick and “where” in your chart you can expect to find your Soulmate. ~ Eva Starr

Starr’s extensive knowledge of Astrology spans over 40 years. Starr’s writings and horoscope columns have been published from coast to coast for the last twenty-plus years. Starr is a published author who hosts her cable TV show, Reach for the Moon. She writes Soul Food, her weekly blog, and Starr Scopes, a monthly horoscope column.  You can email her at [email protected] and find her blog and Starr Scopes column at

Eva’s introduction to astrology was a vibrant involvement. Her knowledge, mastery of the subject matter, and years of experience created an exciting and comprehensible overview of this esoteric material. She explained the practical application of the material and gave us opportunities to test our ability to apply this, expressing patience all the way. She truly goes above and beyond to make sure that her students understand the material. I highly commend her class and her professional services!   ~ Brian Hooper, Psy.D.
If you’ve already taken my classes, please forward them to a friend…
Sign up here: Astrology Made Easy

I’m also offering a SPECIAL OFFER if you’ve taken my previous Astrology Made Easy class; you may take this one as a refresher for FREE! Just email me & let me know.

Astrology Made EasyThe same goes for anyone who signs up for THIS course; you may take it again for FREE when I offer it again in the FALL. It’s my way of giving back to those who support my work.

Dates: March 2nd – April 13th -Thursday evenings

Time: 7pm-8:30pm/EDT (class may tend to run over).

Where: The class is held on Zoom. A Zoom link is provided after payment.

Investment: $150.00 (6-week/BONUS Week #7 FREE with Astrology Dice Readings) – Last time this price is offered for 2023.


  • (that breaks down to $14 an hour) – that is a STEAL that guarantees you a home run! 

The course is six weeks, with a BONUS Week #7 (Astrology Dice Readings). All paid students receive a complimentary copy of their chart to work with during class.

Sign up here for Astrology Made Easy classes.

Week 1 (March 2nd) – The Sun signs & what they mean – Glyphs – The “I AM” astrology statements & Jupiter in your chartAstrology Made Easy Classes

Week 2 (March 9th) – The Planets/Planetary Rulerships, Rising signs

Week 3 (March 16th) – The Houses/What they represent – Dharma, Karma & the Moon’s Nodes

Week 4 (March 23rd) – Retrograde planets, Void of Course Moon, Part of Fortune

Week 5 (March 30th) – Elements/Fire, Water, Earth & Air – Planetary Aspects

Week 6 (April 6th) – Qualities/Fixed, Mutable, & Cardinal – Mars/Venus & Synastry

Week 7 (April 13th) – Bonus Week – FREE for students of the 6-week course/Q & A – Complimentary Astrology Dice Readings

All students will receive a Zoom link and their birth chart after registration.

To register, click here Astrology Made Easy

Ziggy Starrdust Gets a Suntan

Ziggy Starrdust & I send you Blessings & Love

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