Soul Food-Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction/Changes They are a Coming/How YOU Can Help

December 22, 2020by Eva Starr0

Jupiter Saturn Conjunction


As most of you are aware by now yesterday was the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. I wrote about this a week or two back (Jupiter/Conjunction Blog). To reiterate, this is affecting us on a grander scale, as both these planets move slowly, especially Saturn. Think society as opposed to individually, and it happened to coincide with the Winter Solstice, (no coincidence there), signifying rebirth.

To throw a monkey wrench into the mix, we studied the supposed birth chart of Jesus in my Astrology Zoom group the other day, Jesus is said to born during the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction 0007 BC, researched by Astrologer, Christine Arens and substantiated by tons of research and progressions of charts to back up the places, and timing of events as Jesus moved through history. For more inofrmation on the subject read this FASCINATING article by Edward Snow Was Jesus a Gemini?

Jupiter is expansive, Saturn is restrictive, what we have here is a dichotomy of DREAM BIG/SKY’S THE LIMIT but STAY STRUCTURED/DISCIPLINED! The great conjunction is taking place in Aquarius, an air sign, think-out-of-the-box, humanitarianism, and independence. for the past 200 years these planets have met in earth signs, for the next 200 years, (we’ll be dust in the Cosmos by then) it will be transpiring in Air signs, all things intellectual, and dealing with technology.

Think rebellion, (Aquarius) and freedom (Jupiter), in order to survive as a planet we need to work together for the greater good of the whole. Put you prejudices aside, you breathe the same air as your neighbors in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iceland, Russia, China and Italy to name a few. Like it or not, we are all connected the Divine Spirit inside of you is the very breath the God gave each and every one of us, it’s the same damn air!

Please take two minutes of your time to take this survey, Survey for YOU…what would YOU like to see? so I may better serve you in 2021. Ziggy & I thank you all for your continued support & wish every one Happy Holidays!

Santa ZiggyEva Starr

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