Soul Food-It’s here…Mercury Retrograde/Full Moon in Cancer

January 15, 2022by Eva Starr2
wolf full moon
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Soul Food-It’s here…Mercury Retrograde/Full Moon in Cancer

Well, if you haven’t figured it out by now, Mercury Retrograde is off and running. He hit the road early yesterday morning at 6:14am/EST at 10* Aquarius and will continue until February 3rd at 24* Capricorn at 11:13pm/EST Although we’ve been feeling the shadow period (which comes a week or so ahead of time and lingers on after the official date of Mercury going Direct). So let me lay this one out for you.

Mercury Retrograde usually hits us three times a year, however this year because this one started so early in the year, we have the blessing (sarcastically) of it coming four times, the last one starting at the end of December 2022. Mercury (known as the Messenger of the Gods) comes to visit in a different element each year, that being Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. This year it is the Air element, starting this month with Aquarius, then Gemini (in May) and Libra (in September). Each of these Retrogrades will also Retrograde back into the preceding Earth sign, (due to the late degrees it starts out in, those being Capricorn, Gemini, and Libra respectively. I’ve broken it down for you with my Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide.

Here’s your Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide:

DON’TS: (let’s get these out of the way)

  • don’t install new software, or decide to completely overhaul your computer (you’re not the Geek Squad) & even if you are, this is NOT the time to do it
  • watch your words, this is the time when people tend to “open mouth, insert foot, or whole leg” and for God’s sake; don’t drunk text or FB after doing shots of Tequila, it’s bad enough when we do it without the Retrograde
  • double-check, triple check, all documents, emails, posts, and appointments, you don’t want to end up in Tijuana, when your friend said Topanga, or if you’re in Ohio, the same thing you don’t want to end up stranded in Kinsman when you’re friend is waiting for you in Kirkland
  • don’t sign any important contracts or start a new job
  • hold off signing on the dotted line for that new house or your new Lincoln
  • planes, trains, & automobiles; if at all possible hold off travel, if you must, triple check everything; be extra careful with keys, batteries, tires
  • HOLD OFF on trying new daring adventures at this time, if you’ve never climbed Mt. Everest this isn’t the time to decide you’re going to make a name for yourself, (unless you want the headlines to read “first-time climber found missing in avalanche)…also don’t throw yourself in front of a train just to prove it’s not your “time” to go, (that’s just called ‘dumb-ass’)


  • reassess, redo, relax, rejuvenate, redesign, rethink, reapply, reflect,
  • reconnect with old friends from the past, and don’t be surprised if an ex-lover shows up at your door, this is meant for a reason so healing can happen and then the two of you can move forward, (or get back together) however I feel it’s the former
  • reorganize your closets, your files
  • rewrite that novel you started months ago
  • revisit that project you abandoned (I have a few of those)
  • something hidden is revealed, be open and aware



  • If you have a “history” with something then it’s OK to sign the deal on a house you have a history with (you put a bid on it months ago, you babysat the neighbor’s kids in that house, etc.)
  • if your old boss (whom you liked) is at a new company & offers you a job
  • if you’re in sales, cars, real estate, etc. look up former clients you have an established “history” with
  • you started building a website & put quite a bit of work into it, then let it sit for months

How this Mercury Retrograde affects your Sign


We have a Full Moon coming up on Monday, January 17th at 28* Cancer/opposing Capricorn Sun at 3:48pm/PST & 6:48pm/EST. I’m going to sum this up in a nutshell for you since so much time was devoted to the Mercury Retrograde.

The Sun in Capricorn is aligned with Pluto, opposing the Moon in Cancer. Being a Cancer myself I can relate to this only too well. The Cancerian side of us want to be the “mothering influence” we want to nurture and take care of you. The Capricornian side of us wants to law down the boundaries, the restrictions, and be authoritarian.

Pluto, God of the Underworld, is all about power and releasing that which has way overstayed its welcome, and now it’s time to move on. One of my favorite quotes epitomizes this concept “If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day; If you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.”

Crystals for the Cancerian Full Moon:

  • Moonstone is the ideal stone to channel the energies of the Moon during this phase.
  • Rhodochrosite helps to resolve your conflicts with love and forgiveness
  • Selenite helps with its calming, balancing, & cleansing properties

Angel Haniel is the Angel of the Full Moon and the Candle color I would suggest is White, or another color you feel particularly drawn to, Silver is also a good color for the Moon.

I like to use this affirmation for release during the time of the Full Moon “I am releasing all that no longer serves who I am and who I am becoming and is no longer a part of my Divine Plan or Divine Purpose for my life.” The Full Moon is also a great time to de-clutter your home, and your mind, especially the two weeks following it.

How this Full Moon affects your Zodiac Sign

Also, for those of you who haven’t heard, I have passed the intensive Astrocartography course and the Certification exam (which is separate from all the labs, essays, homework and exams during the course). It was by far one of the most challenging things I have accomplished in my life. Please support me in my new endeavor, visit this page, Astrocartography

Blessings to you, and may this Mercury Retrograde & this Full Moon reveal to you what needs to be released or reflected on for the year 2022.

Eva Starr NYE 2021



Eva Starr






  • Dr. Brian Hooper

    January 16, 2022 at 5:28 pm

    Such a good affirmation, “I am releasing all that no longer serves who I am and who I am becoming and is no longer a part of my Divine Plan or Divine Purpose for my life.” This is so much of what I communicate to my patients, What we fail to release holds us captive! Thanks for further illumination!


    • Eva Starr

      January 17, 2022 at 5:24 pm

      Dr. Hooper, thank you and your patients must be truly blessed to have such a progressive thinking Dr. in the holistic field of therapy. ~ Eva Starr


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