Is Your Holiday Backpack TOO Heavy?/Your Personal 2024 Numerology Report
Around the Holiday season, we all tend to carry too much in our Holiday backpacks. Imagine the extra emotional, mental, and physical load you carry in your psyche during the Holidays. Just like a backpack that your child or grandchild may carry to school every day, it will cause pain and suffering if it’s too heavy. Every once in a while, we must clean our backpacks and decide what to carry around and what needs to be emptied of that backpack.
Years ago, I heard a story about an Olympic rowing team that won the gold medal against all odds. At the end of the race, after winning the Gold, they were asked, “What was the key to you winning the Gold?” The boat’s captain said, “We only focused on what was in OUR boat.” I never forgot that!
I also came across another story (different from the team mentioned above) from the 2000 Sydney Olympics. The British rowing team had not won a gold medal since 1912. Then, in the 2000 Sydney Olympics, something changed, and they won the Gold medal 88 years later. The “KEY” is explained in this short, inspiring article. This one question will make every decision in your life easier: Ask yourself this!
I’m sure most of you aren’t interested in winning an Olympic Gold medal in rowing. However, you may be interested in making it through the Holiday Season with a lighter load, lessening your stress, and enjoying the Holidays instead of dreading them. Here are a few tips to help you empty that Holiday backpack and lighten your load.
- If it’s not “your” problem, and there’s nothing you can do to “FIX” it, listen with an empathic ear, and let the person know you’ll put them in your Angel Box or your God Can & send them blessings.
- Jim Rohn, well-known motivational speaker and mentor of Tony Robbins, is known for saying, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Look at your life & who you spend time with; they are either life-draining or life-giving. I recently took an inventory of my life and let go of the people who sucked the life out of me. Watch this short video to hear Jim Rohn speak briefly on this subject. Jim Rohn – Five People
- I think it’s safe to say we all know the answer to this question – NO! When I taught the Louise Hay groups, there was an exercise I learned from Louise Hay; it goes like this, “take that problem & ask yourself “What’s the worst that could happen?” Then keep going with “and then…” until you can’t go any farther. You’ll soon realize, even if this “THING” actually happens (which usually rarely does), you can take it as far as you can with it, and all the possible worst scenarios aren’t that bad, & you can deal with them. Here’s an article that may offer you some solutions on How to Deal with Worrying
- I won’t delve into this one because I’m already OVER my time constraint. Here’s an article on How to Reclaim Your Time and say NO
The above tips can apply to your Holiday Season; just because it’s the Holidays doesn’t mean YOU need to be the one to do everything and have people over your home you don’t enjoy spending time with. You also don’t need to break the bank because Aunt Martha spends a ridiculous fortune on gifts. You don’t need to change the entire Holiday Meal because your sister is Vegan (green bean casserole is an option). When Uncle Joe overstays his visit because he’s had too much bourbon (set the timer on the stove, time to leave Joe), you’ve got other commitments, like spending some alone time with YOU!
I’ve got to run; you’ve got more than enough material to help you unpack your Holiday Backpack.
A Holiday gift for you; if this blog inspired you, please drop a coin in the Tip Jar and email me at [email protected] with your birthdate (example: June 24). I don’t need the year & I’ll send your personal numerology guide for the upcoming year of 2024.
Rosie & I send our blessings,