Soul Food-If You Only Knew…

November 18, 2018by Eva Starr0

In this time of Thanksgiving, most people take time out of their lives to reflect on “giving thanks” and count their blessings. I keep a gratitude journal and have been “writing” down what I am grateful for daily for about 40+ years or so. However, there are times in my life where my problems seem overwhelming, and I forget (for a moment in time) how blessed I really am.

There are people all over the world and in your own neighborhood who are going through things we have NO idea about! My son-in-law lost two out of his three children in a deadly car accident a few weeks ago. Time is precious, you think “it’ll never happen to me.” WRONG!

Things happen every moment of every day, people getting shot, raped, killed, losing lives, homes, entire families…the list goes on. I gave up television in 1989 when my daughter Shayna was born, along with reading the paper. I was reestablishing my spiritual path at the time and had other things to focus on. I didn’t need to fill my head with any more negativity than what was already happening.

Almost thirty years later, things are still the same, regarding the news, only a thousand times worse! There is so much pain, hurt, hatred, prejudice, etc. in this world.

Why can’t we all get along?

If you only knew how precious and short life could be…

Everyday try a little tenderness:

  • be kind to everyone you meet, you never know what their challenges are
  • life is really too short, don’t wait to tell someone you love them
  • give more hugs, it is scientifically good for your health, not only your heart
  • give up your grudges, is it really worth it?
  • do more of what really matters, live, love & laugh
  • put money last on your list, (you can’t take it with you) and put health, love & family first
  • be respectful, say please, thank you, and your welcome
  • finally; put away your phone this Thanksgiving, interact and connect with people, people are real human beings (not robots) treat them like one

Have a blessed Holiday, and as always, I thank “you” for all your love & support…

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