Soul Food-If You Could See the World thru the…

June 27, 2022by Eva Starr0

Soul Food-If You Could See the World thru the…

I haven’t written a blog since June 3rd, that’s exactly 24 days ago. Interestingly enough I just had my 67th birthday on June 24th. I spent yesterday (Sunday) at my daughter Shayna’s home with her & her fiancé Brittany. What brings me to write this today are a few things:

  • it’s been a hellacious month, (which is why I haven’t written in almost a month)
      • too many fires to put out  & crises to deal with, it’s all water under the bridge, & lessons learned
  • I always pull cards from different oracle decks each year for my Solar Return & I feel there’s a theme for me in the cards which I’m going to share
  • If I touch only one Soul, then it’s worth it…

I’ve learned a few things about life and myself in the past year:

I’ve learned that we’re all searching or running from something or to something. Some of us may not be aware of it. In fact, I feel most of us aren’t aware of it. However, I discovered that when I’m feeling angst, depressed, or out-of-sorts and I can’t put my finger on it, it usually means I’ve gone against my true heart’s desire. I don’t mean this in a romantic way, but more in the way of my own moral, ethical, or just plain ol’ being true to myself code.

If we could see the world through the eyes of a child, what a beautiful world that would be, (Patsy Cline)


Everyone these days are running from something, we’re scared (including me) –

  • we have skeletons in our closets we haven’t dealt with
  • we’re feeding our emotions with food, alcohol, drugs, or too much social media
  • we’re running away from our own inner child, instead of asking her/him what they want
  • we’re acting strong because we don’t want to let anyone in, for fear we’ll crumble if we let down our guard
  • we’re filling our lives with so much busyness, that we don’t have “time” to feel
  • we’re running to something and we aren’t even sure who, where or why


Now, if not one of the above fits you then you can close this blog and move on to something else…

However, IF one of those hits home for you, then here’s what I suggest, (not that I’m any type of Guru here, I just share what my thoughts are)

  • pick one skeleton a month, sit it down & have a discussion with it, journal about it, ask your spirit guides, angels, God, or whomever for guidance, and work at your own pace, until you’ve come to a resolution that works for you
  • next time you’re aimlessly feeding your emotions, take a deep breath, count to ten, and ask yourself, WHY am I reaching for this, same scenario as above, talk it out, journal, etc.
  • in your daily meditation, pick up a crayon (yes, you heard me, a crayon) ask your inner child a question, and with your crayon and your non-dominant hand write the answer without censoring…then take it from there
  • FEEL your emotions next time you feel the Doberman coming in to take over, be vulnerable, and let somebody in
  • it’s OK to do absolutely NOTHING once-in-awhile (I’m horrible at this) you don’t have to fill every second being a DO-BEE
  • next time you have the urge to run “to” something, take a few minutes and ask yourself why, who, or what, or where and if the answers satisfy your Soul, by all means, have at it – – if NOT, rethink it and ask more delving questions to reach the answer

I’m actually sitting here in my daughter’s spare bedroom writing this (she left for work first thing this morning). Now, I’m going to head home and take my own advice.

Ziggy Starrdust & I send our love, prayers & blessings,


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