Being a Cancer (Zodiac) I am known for being the care-taker of the Zodiac, always helping people, being there on the phone when “you” need someone to talk to, helping you through the “rough spots”, sharing my wisdom through my blog…
Now I am asking YOU to help support me at (click here) Meet the Author night, at Lakewood Library, October 12th, Thursday 7pm-8:30 main branch on Detroit Ave. Please mark your calendars, put it in your phone, and tell all your friends and relatives. Please and THANK YOU! Without all of you none of this would’ve been possible. I will be giving a short presentation, answering questions and signing books.
Astrology classes start Monday, September 25th (8 weeks) Harding School, Lakewood. Classes fill up fast, (click here) Astrology Made Easy.
Look for Tuesday’s blog, Jupiter moving into Scorpio and New Moon in Virgo.
Thank you for your continued Love & Support,
Eva Starr,