I’m currently taking a couple of evening classes at my church here in Cali, Seaside Spiritual Center in Encinitas. My Tuesday class taught by Dr. Kathy Hearn is called Understanding Emma, (Emma Curtis Hopkins). Without going into too much detail Emma Curtis Hopkins was one of the pioneers in the New Thought movement in the late 1800s and the early 1900s, known as the “teacher of teachers.”
This past weeks lesson was called Rending the Veil. The rending of the veil signified that Christ, by his death, opened a way to God. We have an open way through Christ to the throne of grace, or mercy-seat now, and to the throne of glory hereafter. How this translates for me in my life is this: We have choice at every moment how we see and process the every day events occurring in our lives.
The operative word here is “see.” Are we looking at our world through filters of judgment, condemnation, jealousy, or revenge? I realize I’m using some pretty harsh words here, so let me tone it down a bit, in a language you can understand.
The guy cuts you off on the freeway and you yell out the window using expletives (only longshoreman use) referring to his character, the old lady in front of you at the grocery store waits until the last minute to look for her purse, which she can’t find, while she wants to exchange her eggs for another carton, because she forgot to check for broken ones, and you are in the express lane which everyone else has now moved out of. Last but certainly not least, you arrive home already frustrated to find your son forgot to let the dog out when he got home from school, and now precious Rover has peed all over the kitchen floor.
Now let’s look at the panoramic view and what has happened in these stories over the last 24 hours:
- the guy who cut you off, just found out his wife went into labor early and is headed to the hospital
- the old lady at the store, just found out her husband has Cancer and is so distraught she can’t even think straight
- your son never made it to the front door of your home, because on the way there, he noticed old man Jones (next door) was laying on the sidewalk with a broken ankle with no one around (so your son stopped to help)
You might be saying to yourself, all of these scenarios are a bit hoaky. Not really I say to you. How soon we judge situations that we absolutely have NO idea about. What if we took off those glasses shaded with a tint of judgment and put on a fresh pair of the latest JC (Jesus Christ) glasses and saw the world through a Christ consciousness? I’m just saying…
Let’s move into another aspect of how we see things; the glass half empty/glass half full consciousness. Ponder this statement,
Simply put: choose better feeling thoughts, speak and think more about what you DO want and less about what you DON’T want. Align yourself with a higher vibration which in turn will attract those things vibrating at a higher frequency and open yourself up to allowing those things to enter your space at this higher level of consciousness.
How does one do that you ask? Simple; remember the bracelets a few years back WWJD (What Would Jesus Do)? Put yourself in a state of Christ consciousness and allow Spirit to take over.
If you’re still struggling with that, then take Patsy Cline’s advice…(watch the video)
Join me this week in trying to see everyone who crosses our path through the eyes of Christ or a child, take your pick…
As Always Thank You for Your Support, so I may continue to let Spirit flow through me to serve you…I love you,