Soul Food-How You Might Just Be Blocking Your Greater Good

December 10, 2022by Eva Starr2
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Santa Ziggy Starrdust

Soul Food-How You Might Just Be Blocking Your Greater Good

Blocking Your Greater Good =:

  • thinking you know better than GOD
  • turning the reins over to the EGO
  • wanting to CONTROL the OUTCOME of life
  • focusing on the CLOSED door, then you don’t see the OPEN door

As I remind you frequently throughout this blog, anytime, you see a BOLD UNDERLINED HOT PINK LINK (it’s meant for you to click on it)!

When I moved to California several years ago, a book came out (2007) by Michael Singer called The Untethered Soul. I read it and was fascinated by it. At that particular time in my life, I was reading metaphysical material daily. In 2015, a year before I moved back to Ohio, his second book came out, The Surrender Experiment, which I’m currently in the middle of. Click here for a live interview with Michael Singer and The Surrender Experiment. Here is another interview with Michael Singer on The Untethered Soul with Mayim Bialik, quite a different type of interview. I would be amiss if I didn’t include the Oprah interview with Michael Singer and The Untethered Soul.

I bring this up because we’ve all gone through life, its trials, tribulations, etc. Although our experiences may vary, I learned from my mentor years ago, a facilitator of The Course in Miracles group, that there is no degree of pain nor miracle. That concept was challenging for me to understand at the time, but as Mary Anne explained, whether you have an ingrown toenail or your spouse just walked out on you after a 25-year marriage, you’re both in pain. As she explained it to me more in-depth, I could fully grasp the concept.

As I continue with this concept, we all see different colored skies; on that, we can agree. At the same time, we all have gone through loss, pain, and moments of jubilation. Yes, we can all agree on that. When I ponder this subject, I ask myself, what’s the difference between those of us who take life as it is, and move with the current flow, whether you’re riding against the waves going upstream or flowing merrily, merrily, merrily downstream?

I don’t have the be-all, know-all answers to life. I only know what I’ve been through, what I’ve watched others go through, and the results of those circumstances. I DO, however, understand that some of us get through these things easier than others. What I’ve deduced from my own life experiences and all of my own life’s lessons is when I let go of HOW I think it SHOULD be, or HOW I WANT things to turn out, or when I think there’s only one way, and it’s Eva Starr’s way, then I’m setting myself up for disappointment.

We’ve all been there; we’ve all gone through:

  • Thinking the guy/gal that passed us over was the “right” one & I’ll never love again, or I’ll NEVER find the “perfect” one for me
  • The job I didn’t get after the third interview was the PERFECT JOB; why didn’t I get it?
  • Dammit, that house was MY HOUSE; that house was supposed to be mine; why did someone outbid me?
  • Someone who sees something at the department store or resale shop & grabs it before you & you say, “but THAT was MINE!”

I think we can agree that no matter what’s your pay grade, or what’s your social status, who your parents are, or what part of town you live in, we’ve all been disappointed in life and let down by what we THINK was the “one and only” meant for us.

Well, from my experiences, I’ve been through all of the above and tons more, and the faster I realized that God has a better plan, and I don’t know what that is, the quicker my good came to me. I also can tell you that he/she; (God) was always right and knew better than I thought I did. The job after the one I didn’t get WAS better, the guy/gal that came after the one that left me WAS better, the house I lost, and the one that came after that WAS better.

Why do we fight against the current? That’s a question only you can answer. I’ve laid out enough information in this blog to allow you to answer those questions yourself. I’ve left you enough hot pink links in this blog to do your research. However, I will say this; life is a lot easier when you surrender to a higher plan…

I’m going to leave you with this Garth Brooks video:

Unanswered Prayers

Santa Ziggy Starrdust


This is Ziggy Starrdust & Eva Starr thanking you for your continued love & support,







  • Brian Hooper

    December 18, 2022 at 10:25 am

    Excellent reflection on what is so common in the human experience. My own therapist and I recently spoke about the necessity of learning to live with/make friends with uncertainty and its attendant disappointments and graces. Good work, Eva!


    • Eva Starr

      December 18, 2022 at 4:42 pm

      Yes, letting go of our attachment to the outcome is key in the art of surrender. Eva


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