With all the chaos, anger, lack of the human touch, not to mention the planetary alignments in the sky for the month of October, it’s tough enough to make it through life, let alone have a Mary Poppins attitude.
WRONG! You CAN have a Pollyanna outlook on life in the midst of the doom and gloom that permeates our lives. I’m about to share a few tips on how to maintain a positive lifestyle in the midst of such negativity in the world now.
- Expect the Best
- if you’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop, then how in the hell do you expect the gift-wrapped opportunity to show up at your door. A perfect example is: when watching the Browns game, I have a friend that every time they make one little mistake, he’s calling out doom & gloom with a bunch of expletives at the TV screen. I, on the other hand, have hope right up until the very last second, no matter what! Believe it or not friends, your words are energy, can you imagine the difference in an outcome with a billion people yelling negatives at the TV set as opposed to words of encouragement.
- Don’t focus on the Failure
- When a baby learns to walk, and fall down, it doesn’t lay there on the floor, berating itself! It gets up and try’s again, falls down, and try’s again, etc., etc.
Thomas Edison made 1000 unsuccessful attempts before he got the light bulb right. We give up after a couple, successful people keep trying, knowing for each failure they’re one step closer to success.
- When a baby learns to walk, and fall down, it doesn’t lay there on the floor, berating itself! It gets up and try’s again, falls down, and try’s again, etc., etc.
- Self-Improvement
- I read literally hundreds of books, I love Metaphysics & Astrology. my two passions in life. I know, (and I’ve told my clients/students this) that as long as you’re still breathing, there’s work to be done. That work is to be continually working on self-improvement, whatever shape that takes in your life.
- Create Change – Don’t Wait for It
- Let go – Cut Bait
- We hold unto things in our lives, far too long. We hold onto relationships, long after they’ve bit the dust, we hold onto grudges, and take them to our graves, we hold unto bad habits, even though we know they’re leading us down a path of destruction. It’s time to cut bait, as we say in the fishing world. Let go of what is to make room for what can be.
- Don’t Wait for Happiness
- When I taught the Louise Hay work, I talked about the inevitable “I’ll do it when” when I lose the weight, when I get the degree, when I buy the boat, sell the boat, it’s like a hamster wheel. Same with happiness, don’t wait for it to come to you, be grateful for the happiness you already have in your life, and watch it multiply.
- Gratitude
- This one is a no-brainer, if I have to explain this one to you, then you may be missing the entire point of life, period!
- Live in the Present
- There’s a reason they call it the present, because it’s a gift. You can’t bring back the past, no matter how hard you try, and tomorrow never comes. I’m not trying to sound cliche’ here, but let’s face it, how present are you with your kids when they’re trying to talk to you, or when you’re driving down the road, when having dinner with a friend. Don’t get me started on people who are looking at their phones during all of these situations. Enough said!
- Solution Oriented – Not Problem Focused
- It amazes me in all the jobs I’ve had, and the boards I’ve served on, how many people still try to solve a problem, by going over the problem, over & over & over. You’re never going to solve anything that way. Start with the outcome of what you want to see accomplished, and work backwards on getting to the solution.
- Complaint FREE World
- There’s a website (I’ve written about before) COMPLAINTFREEWORLD that you can order the complaintfreeworld bracelet from, and read all about the movement. I first learned about it from Edwene Gaines, who talked about if you can go 21 days without complaining one time, your life will be miraculously changed for the better! Give it a try, HINT: Once you complain, even about the weather, you have to start your 21 days all over again.
- Move out of the Victim Neighborhood
- You are NOT a victim of anything, I know this sounds harsh. However, your thoughts, your past lives, your lessons here on Planet Earth are all part of the almighty plan, just another piece of the puzzle. I suggest reading Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life, or my book Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself
- Take Responsibility for YOUR life
This one piggybacks off of #11. Your decisions and your choices are yours, nobody is inside your head thinking for you except you. Until the day we all become robots like on the cartoon The Jetsons, you and YOU ALONE are responsible for your thoughts, choices, and decisions, I know it’s a tough pill to swallow, but that’s the bottom line!
Thank you for your continued support,
Eva Starr