Soul Food-How to Take Back Those Crazy Voices in Your Head/A MUST Read

August 30, 2018by Eva Starr0

First off, this is all a process, by this I mean LIFE. Some days you’re the windshield and some days you’re the bug. Lately I feel more like the bug…so “if” that’s the case, what can I do about it?

These are the things I am talking about: (see if any of this happens to you)

  • can’t get a certain incident that happened in the past out of your head, now it eats away at you every time you think of it
  • get upset over hours upon hours of waiting for customer service on the phone, only to talk to automated prompts
  • you always let people merge in line on the highway, but now you’re upset over the guy who cut you off to get a mile ahead of you
  • take things way too personally, and lay awake in bed agonizing over what “you” said or what “they” said

These are just a few of the daily events that happen in our lives (but of course if none of these ever happen to you, then just skip ahead to the last paragraph about my new Astrology classes starting soon).

For those of you still dealing with Life 101, read on. Spoiler alert, once you’ve mastered Life 101, then 102, 103, etc. gets harder…I know it sucks huh?

Pay attention to this next quote, (you may have to read it several times, I know I did)!

“What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then?

The one who SEES that. The awareness that is prior to thought,

the space in which the thought–or the emotion or sense perception–happens.”

Go ahead you might need to re-read it over several times, I know I did. The above quote by the way is Eckhart Tolle. I am re-reading his book A New Earth, because it may take a few times to grasp all the concepts. We are simply the observers in this game called life, and the “ego” is trying to gain control in any way it can. It (the ego) literally is fighting for its life. (I know it’s a little tricky to digest, just don’t think of EGO as being vain, think of it as something else we are identifying with, instead of our true selves, which is pure love, made in the image and likeness of God)

Picture this scenario with me: You are seated at the theater, watching the play, there is tragedy, there is humor, there is love, and there is a happy ending (or not). You walk out of the theater and may or may not let it affect you, it causes you to think or reflect on certain things in your own life (maybe) but when all is said and done, you tell yourself, it was only a play with actors on a stage, it’s not real!

Does this help? I have a friend who is ever so patiently trying to explain this concept to me, which I get, but putting it into action is another animal. Reading Tolle yesterday, is slowly (I’m a work in process) starting to sink into my head. Simply because I’m at the end of my rope and can’t keep going through the roller-coaster ride of life anymore, so “I” need to do something about it.

What can we do? Here are some “condensed” tips: (Obviously Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither are we)

  1. Look at life as a theater, it’s your movie (does this sound familiar from your Louise Hay days with me?) and simply PRACTICE being the observer.
  2. When you’re waiting for hours with robots on the phone, have them call you back (if that’s an option) or simply put the phone on speaker and do the dishes, laundry or some other mundane task.
  3. OK, this one’s a tough one for me, “taking things personally” agonizing on what was said or not said and losing sleep over it. Remind yourself, it’s really not about YOU, it’s about the other person projecting their STUFF unto you…seriously think about it, (or maybe not, you’ve already put in too much time “thinking” about it.)
  4. Getting angry at people on the road, or Wal-Mart of wherever. Think this thought, are you going to let them get away with knowing they were able to upset your little ol’ apple cart? HELL NO! Move on, and smile…all the way to the Karma Bank.

Like I said, this is a life-long journey, be gentle on yourself. If anything, I said inspires or empowers you feel free to drop a tip on the angel wings above.

New Astrology classes starting September 13th, click here, Astrology Made Easy

Thank you for your Love & Support,

With Much Gratitude,

Eva Starr

Eva Starr

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