Soul Food – How to Honor the Summer Solstice/Special on Karmic Insights Report/Full Moon

June 18, 2021by Eva Starr0
full moon capricorn

Soul Food – How to Honor the Summer Solstice/Special on Karmic Insights Report/Full Moon

StonehengeWe have a lot going on in the next few days, the Summer Solstice occurring Sunday, June 20th, 2021 at 8:32pm/PDT & 11:32pm/EDT time, please note the Summer Solstice does NOT always fall on June 21st:

The timing of the June solstice is not based on a specific calendar date or time;

it all depends on when the Sun reaches its northernmost point from the celestial equator.

Therefore, the solstice won’t always occur on the same day. Currently, it shifts between June 20, 21, and 22.

Do something special during this time, I suggest using the fire element to represent the Sun:

  • building a bonfire
  • lighting incense or a candle (colors: yellow, red, orange, gold)
  • making smores

sunflowersRemember to bring Mother Earth into the equation:

  • put fresh flowers on your altar (roses, daisies, peonies)
  • herbs on your altar (elderflower, rosemary, lavender, frankincense)
  • crystals: amber, carnelian, red jasper, sunstone; also sparkling crystal quartz spheres.

My favorite the water element:

  • take a sea-salt bath
  • make a summer-solstice cocktail
  • hang out by the ocean, lake, or river under the moonlight (or sunset)

Things to do to honor the Solstice:

  • bake a honey cake
  • visit a sacred space
  • have an outside picnic
  • late-night stargaze
  • write out a gratitude list
  • bury the negatives (write what you want to release on a stone or small rock, let go and/or forgive & bury in the ground or let the ocean or lake take them away)

The next major event is the Full Moon occurring on my birthday, Thursday, June 24th, at 3* Capricorn, 11:40am/PDT & 2:40pm/EDT:

This Full Moon brings with it these energies:

  • push-pull between work (Moon) & family (Sun)
  • full moon sextile Jupiter – good fortune, honesty, looking at the sunny side of things, expand your horizons thru education & travel
  • Venus opposes Pluto – intensifies your need for love & affection, beware could cause drama & power plays
  • Saturn square Uranus – unexpected limitations, until the final square on Dec. 24th, 2021
  • conjunct fixed star Polis -success, ambition, morality & spirituality

The PAST LIFE KARMIC INSIGHTS report takes an esoteric view of your personalized birth chart focusing on your spiritual strengths and weaknesses, based on past lives, and how to best utilize this information in your life now.

In honor of the Full Moon, the Summer Solstice & my birthday (June 24th)  I’m offering the Karmic Insights report for $24

Special good up & until my birthday for the next 7-days.

As always, thank you for your continued love & support, so I may continue to work with Spirit to serve you,

Eva Starr

Eva Starr


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