How to Dump the Baggage & Who Would You Be Without Your Story?
A good way to find out where you are sabotaging your life is to “listen to your stories.” In other words what do you repeat day in and day out? Are you one of those who go on and on about your horrible childhood? Or maybe, your the Miss Independent type, and tell everyone who’ll listen you’re still single because there’s no good men out there? Or you’re a successful lawyer who hates his job but doesn’t quit because you believe you can’t find a job you love and still make good money.
Well, I’ve got news for you, for me, and for whoever has been in the drama boat. Let’s face it, we’ve all been there at one point in our lives, some of us more than others. Most of us, have skeletons in our childhood closets, but REALLY, how old are you, and you’re still reliving that nightmare? Rewrite the ending, hell rewrite the whole damn thing if it’ll give you a fresh perspective. We are what we focus on, your subconscious mind only knows what we tell it. Trust me on this one, I could give you tons of research to back this up, but I don’t have the time nor the space here to do it. Just go back to your Louise Hay days, she’ll tell you the same thing.
As for the ‘no good men syndrome’ or for those of you who think ‘there are no good SINGLE men.’ Really? What about that friend of yours who just met a really class nice guy? Has there been a genocide of the last available good guys that I’ve not heard about? Put on your best stilettos, and that dress that makes everyone look twice and hang out at the Home Depot on a Saturday afternoon and tell me what you think.
For the ‘I can’t make any good money doing what I’m passionate about’, listen up. Trust me I’m guilty of this. Somewhere someone is in the same field you’re in and “making good money.” Somewhere someone is charging “what their worth” and getting it. Somewhere someone just fulfilled their dream of “opening their own business.” I’ve been there, I’ve followed my dreams, against all odds. My move to California is a perfect example, I planned it, pursued it, and came up with one idea after another to fulfill it. The question you need to ask yourself is “HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?” If you’re not doing it, you don’t want it bad enough! Start making things happen instead of making excuses.
I’m one of the worst procrastinators around, I always write my articles for the three magazines that I now write for at the very last minute before the deadline. I find one reason after another to put off doing what I need to do when it comes to other areas of my life in which I want to pursue uncharted waters. No more!!! This girl is going to put a STOP to dilly-dallying around and JUST DO IT!!!
Ask yourself “What Do You Get Out of Your Story?” This was in one of the lessons in the Hay classes that I taught. We all “GET” something for our stories, dramas, call it what you like. Whether it’s healthy or unhealthy, nonetheless we “get” something from it. We get to stay poor, so other people can help us, we get to stay single, so we can say “see I told you, there’s no available men”, and we get to stay in jobs we don’t like, so we can go home and wallow in self-pity 101 in that comfort zone we’ve created for ourselves because we’re afraid to take a risk and move outside of the box.
Here’s what we can do about it. List your old stories, journal the false rewards you get from them, thank them for their help and decide (key word) to let them go, and then re-write and tell yourself your new story until you start to believe it; the Universe will take it from here. Start making plans instead of excuses, take some action, anything, just take one small step. (It’s usually the first step that we put off.) Get out of your comfort zone and your damn old routine. Go to a different grocery store, take another route to work, where a different color, anything that will get you thinking in another way then the rut you’ve been in.
Remember that DONE is better than perfect. (I’ve written about this several times, the “I’ll wait until” syndrome.) This is where I got stuck. I wrote a book, and sent it to someone I admired (a publisher), it wasn’t for them, so I quit. I, of all people should know better. Jack Canfield took Chicken Soup for the Soul to 144 publishers before a small company in Tennessee who were just about bankrupt choose to take a chance on him. We all know the rest of the story. Find out where in the process of your life do you quit. In other words, if it’s always at the same spot, see where that is in the journey and have a support team or a back up plan to help you get through the “rough spots.”
The bottom line is anything that you want bad enough, you’ll stop at nothing to get it! Therefore, ask yourself How Bad Do I Want It? If you’re not willing to do what it takes, then stop the wah, wah, wah, because obviously you don’t want it bad enough.
Last but not least, remember this: YOU ARE EQUAL TO ANYONE, BECAUSE EVERYONE’S HIGHEST INNER SELF IS THE SAME! Do you get that? Repeat that statement several times till it really sinks in. We are all connected to the same Universal Divine Source Energy. We breathe the same air, that greater source out there is inside of each and everyone of us. You are connected to the same stuff, Einstein, Elvis, Lincoln, Gandhi, anyone is connected to. Understand that!
Finally, love yourself! Yes, that is the Golden Rule, and I will keep repeating it in my blog, get out your mirrors and tell yourselves how freakin’ awesome and magnificent you are! YOU ROCK!!!
If this blog has inspired or empowered you in anyway feel free to click on the Angel’s Wings above so I may continue to serve and fulfill God’s plan for my life. I love you and thank you with all my heart.