Soul Food-New Year Specials (Karma/Numerology Reports)

December 11, 2016by Eva Starr0

past_livesAs we journey into the New Year excited about the possibilities that lie ahead, wouldn’t it be nice to have a guided map? I’m talking about the Celestial Heavens, the Stars and the Numbers that make up your own personal year. The Past Life Karma Insights report takes an esoteric view of your personalized birth chart focusing on your spiritual strengths and weaknesses, based on past lives, and how to best utilize this information in your life now. Starting in January I will be starting my Past Life Regressions up again, get a jump on the New Year with your own report to study in the meantime.

Birth data needed (time, city & state also)


Your personal year Numerology report is a combined report from a plethora of numerology_2resources compiled with all the information at your disposal to guide you through 2017. I personally print mine out in December and refer to it each month throughout the year. It’s a colossal help for me, reminding me where my energies are best used and where I’m beating my head against the wall. Similar to a GPS, you avoid the pitfalls, and take detours where necessary for smooth sailing. 

Birth date needed (no time, city or state necessary)

These make great gifts! Order today for yourself or as gifts, and receive by December 15th!

Stayed tuned for my Mercury Retrograde & Full Moon blog coming soon!!!

Happy Holidays from Ziggy & I,

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