Soul Food-Here Comes Mercury Retrograde Hopping Down the Bunny Trail

March 21, 2018by Eva Starr0
It’s that time again…Mercury retrograde 2018 starts on March 22nd (8:19pm EDT) at 16° Aries and ends on April 15th (5:21am EDT) at 4° Aries.

A few extra notes before I delve into My Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide. With this Retrograde being in the sign of Aries, which is action-oriented, impulsive, aggressive, and impatient. I would strongly advise being “EXTRA-CAREFUL” with ill-thought out actions, speaking far too soon ahead of your brain, combative verbal assaults, and impetuous actions! You get the picture?

Another thing I’d like to caution you about for this Retrograde; while traveling during Mercury Retrograde hazards are mltiplied. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, be extra cautious when going through yellow lights, and even green lights, the other driver may be running a red light or a stop sign. Also, and this should go without saying: DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE OR USE YOUR CELL PHONE FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER WHILE ON THE ROAD!

Here’s your Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide:

DON’TS: (let’s get these out of the way)

  • mercury-retrograde-december
  • don’t install new software, or decide to completely overhaul your computer (you’re not the Geek Squad) & even if you are, this is NOT the time to do it
  • watch your words, this is the time when people tend to “open mouth, insert foot, or whole leg” and for God’s sake; don’t drunk text or FB after doing shots of Tequila, it’s bad enough when we do it without the Retrograde
  • double check, triple check, all documents, emails, posts, and appointments, you don’t want to end up in Tijuana, when your friend said Topanga, or if you’re in Ohio, same thing you don’t want to end up stranded in Kinsman when you’re friend is waiting for you in Kirkland
  • don’t sign any important contracts or start a new job
  • hold off signing on the dotted line for that new house or your new Lincoln
  • planes, trains, & automobiles; if at all possible hold off travel, if you must, triple check everything; be extra careful with keys, batteries, tires
  • HOLD OFF on trying new daring adventures at this time, if you’ve never climbed Mt. Everest this isn’t the time to decide you’re going to make a name for yourself, (unless you want the headlines to read “first time climber found missing in avalanche)…also don’t throw yourself in front of a train just to prove it’s not your “time” to go, (that’s just called ‘dumb-ass’)


  • reassess, redo, relax, rejuvenate, redesign, rethink, reapply, reflect,
  • reconnect with old friends from the past, and don’t be surprised if an ex-lover shows up at your door, this is meant for a reason so healing can happen and then the two of you can move forward, (or get back together) however I feel it’s the former retrograde-means
  • reorganize your closets, your files
  • rewrite that novel you started months ago
  • revisit that project you abandoned (I have a few of those)
  • something hidden is revealed, be open and aware


  • If you have a “history” with something then it’s OK to sign the deal on a house you have a history with (you put a bid on it months ago, you babysat the neighbors kids in that house, etc.)
  • if you’re old boss (whom you liked) is at a new company & offers you a job
  • if you’re in sales, cars, real estate etc. look up former clients you have an established “history” with
  • you started building a website & put quite a bit of work into it, then let it sit for months

Click here for a look at Mercury Retrograde through your sun sign/ascendant…

I love you all, thank you for your support…

Eva Starr

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