Soul Food-Have You Already Broken Your New Year’s Resolutions?
Of course you have; that is if you’re anything like the rest of us, including mwah, yours truly! So why does this happen to 90% of us and what do we do about it? I’m going to be brief here, and break it down for you…
- because we set unrealistic goals, let’s face it, if it took you five years to put on an extra twenty pounds; why do you think you can lose it in five weeks?
- we’re too hard on ourselves, and when we fail, we sabotage what we’ve already accomplished and thrown in the towel, (i.e. you cheated and ate a chocolate cookie, WTF you tell yourself, I might as well eat the whole bag now, I already failed
- we didn’t have a clear-cut plan, to begin with…so you set out to keep these resolutions, but have no idea on the face of the Earth how you plan on executing your resolutions…(similar to football…folks)
Keep the Faith, I’m going to throw you a life preserver so you don’t drown in your self-sabotaging tactics, or drown in your own pity party…
Here’s some tips to help you KEEP your New Year’s Resolutions:
- KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) If you want to lose weight, set a goal of a pound or two at a time…(I did this last summer with my
Fitbit) I would set my Fitbit a pound or two to reach my next level (instead of the whole 10 lbs. or whatever it was)
- Make it realistic, similar to the above tip, let’s face it, I could go into a Godzillion examples here, but you’re a smart cookie; I think you can figure out what this one means
When we fail, immediately, (before you devour the whole cake or whatever it is) just get back on the damn horse!
- Write your goal/resolution down in a notebook or planner & decide How, What, Where, How Long, When, & most importantly WHY! I bought a planner for 2022, and today is January 10th, I haven’t even written in it yet. You’re not alone here folks, I never said I follow ALL my advice, but I know enough when I don’t and get back on the damn horse when I’ve fallen off, cowboy hat, boots, spurs & all
- Accept reality and when Plan A fails, have a plan B
- Hold yourself accountable, I’m on a declutter plan for the year 2022, I post my declutter plan for the day with pictures on FB & it helps keep me accountable knowing you’re out there supporting me…
- Be disciplined with your plan, (similar to #4) have a structured plan right down to the last detail if you tend to get lost in the soup like I tend to, (too much freedom can be your enemy, at least with me it is)
- Switch it up, get creative. If your plan is to exercise, try hula hoop one day, or dance in your living room with your favorite music blasting, the same ol’ routine can wear on even the most disciplined resolution Divas!
Last but not least, reward yourself after a certain point in your journey, obviously not with a whole chocolate cake, but take yourself to a movie, or buy something sexy…hmmm
That’s it for now, I’m going to be hosting a complimentary Zoom numerology event coming up (maybe this Saturday) keep posted to my blog to find out…
Eva Starr – Astrocartography Info
Dr. Brian Hooper
January 10, 2022 at 10:26 pm
Hey Starrbrite! Some good psychological and spiritual advice! I love the encouragement to make constant course corrections and not give up the journey altogether! Good work!
Eva Starr
January 10, 2022 at 10:32 pm
Thank you Dr. Hooper for your feedback, I love hearing from my readers!