Soul Food-Get Back on the Horse

January 6, 2017by Eva Starr0

You know the expression when it rains it pours…well that’s how I’ve been feeling lately. One step forward, two steps backwards. However, deep down inside my Soul, I DO know better. God is preparing me for a helluva ride, and this Cowgirl ain’t about to take it laying down.

Thanks to a little tough love from my good friend, Joe Baby this morning…it’s time to saddle up and see this thing to the end! I’ve always been a survivor (a word people have been using way too much with me since I got back to Ohio). This time is no different than all other times…(well maybe the lessons are coming with more velocity, and gargantuan in size). But it’s all relative right?

Whatever you’re dealing with at this point in your journey, remember three things:

  • God is BIGGER than anything you’re dealing with
  • There is a rainbow after every storm
  • You’ve got friends, God, and yourself

It’s time to saddle up, get back on that horse, and ride baby ride!

If Luke Perry can stay on Red Rock (the bull) for eight seconds, you got this!

Louise Hay groups to start next week; based on the works of Louise Hay, my book Quit ‘Should-ing’ on Yourself, and the works of Abraham. I MUST hear from you by Sunday if you’re interested in attending. I’m playing around with the nights, 7pm Lakewood, Tuesdays, Wednesdays (or maybe Thursday), let me know your thoughts. Class runs 12 weeks, offered on a love offering basis, 7-8:30pm. (I rarely check FB messenger) Email or phone (440-930-8865) by 10pm this Sunday!

Love & Blessings,

Eva Starr

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