Soul Food – Full Wolf Moon & What it Means to You

January 24, 2021by Eva Starr2

This coming Thursday we are having a Full Wolf Moon at 11:16am/PST & 2:16pm/EST at 9* Leo. Legend has it that the name was given to this first full moon of the year by the Native Americans due to the howling of the wolves looking for food in mid-winter.

For those of you like myself, who try aimlessly to photograph the Full Moon, here is a clip from an article I was reading about “how to photograph the Full Moon.”

To take the best photo of the moon you need to turn your flash off and your ISO sensitively down. Setting your focus to 100 will also help.

Nighttime photography apps such as NightCap – available on the App Store, £2.99 – allow greater control of your camera. (There’s a reason it made our list of best astronomy apps).

explosive energyThis particular Leo full moon happens to square a Taurus Mars (a challenging aspect) while opposing Jupiter in Aquarius at the same time. Since Jupiter amplifies everything to the nth degree, anger issues are prevalent. Think about someone lighting a fuse to a stick of dynamite, explosive energy. Keep all metaphorical matches out of sight, in other words, get some duct tape, put it over your mouth, remove in morning.

If I were you, which I’m not, I’d curl up on my couch with a good book, or make some popcorn, and get ready for a night of Netflix binging, and tell the hubby, wifey, and/or the kids you’re having some “me time” tonight, and buckle down the hatches. However, it’s your life and if you’re the type that likes a good fireworks show, well by all means, have at it! Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Full moons are stressful enough without adding dynamite to the mix.

The Moon is occurring in the 5th house of creativity, children and love affairs, (not necessarily in that order). The opposing Sun is in the 11th house of friends, groups, associations and your “wishes.” On the positive side, let’s capitalize on the energy if Mars igniting your passions and desires, and the expansiveness, enthusiastic optimism of Jupiter to bring out your creative urges on a larger than life scale for the benefit of mankind, looking at the bigger picture.

Wherever your energies take you on this wintery January night, be sure to get your best “HOWL” on and let me hear you!

Check out my new website, (it’s still in transition)

Thank you for your continued love &support,

Eva Starr

Eva Starr


  • Pattie

    January 25, 2021 at 5:07 pm

    Great read Eva, thank you ❤


  • Eva Starr

    February 4, 2021 at 10:11 am

    You’re more than welcome Patti, thank you for reading!


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