Soul Food-Full Moon/The Artist’s Way

August 18, 2016by Eva Starr0

full moon_leo_aquariusThis morning was the Full Moon Penumbral lunar eclipse in Aquarius/Leo. What this means for you: Aquarius is all about group consciousness, friends, organizations; while Leo is more about the self, creativity, fun, play the artist in each of us, our inner child. With the polarities of this full moon we are torn between helping humanity and dealing with our own ego stuff. This is also the start of eclipse season which means endings/beginnings; which you’ll find started about 6-8 weeks ago (just about the time I resigned from my job) and will take us into the next 3-6 months, depending on your individual charts, especially Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, and Gemini people and planets.

Another Penumbral eclipse, is on the horizon September 16th in Pisces,  a Solar Eclipse on the first of September, and Mercury going Retrograde on August 30th, BOTH in Virgo! (Virgos are you listening?)

Uranus is making a beautiful aspect to the sun/moon at 24* Aries (fire & air planets) which is the time to come out of that cave, upset the apple cart, take a risk, shout your creativity to the world, and let the Uranian tornado come in to rock and roll. A little scary for you stable types? If it were me, I’d work with these energies, because; have you ever tried to stop a tornado hurling toward you at 70mph? Just saying! Put the word RADICAL into your vocabulary and while you’re at it ask yourself “How May I Serve?”

Remember I said Uranus is making a FAVORABLE aspect to this Full Moon…it could be way worse. Harness this positive energy to make it work for  you. This is the time to break up the status quo, add clarity to whats going on. Pay attention to your synchronicites and inventive mind. Write that song, paint that picture, hell paint the whole house! (who knows, you might just have the most creative house on the whole block) Think on the fly, (restaurant people should understand this).

This full moon will shine the light on those dark corners; remember you are your own jailer, the gate is not locked, however you never bothered to look. Be gentle with yourself and others, nurture instead of polarize, because it will come full circle within these next few eclipses. Reinvent yourself, don’t wait, do it NOW, (which is WON spelled backwards, and I “just” realized that). Visualize everything you do between now and the next few months as flowing, see it as the wind, constant motion. The veil between the ego mind and the higher self are paper thin at this time. See the world and yourself through fresh eyes. The key word here is F-R-E-E-D-O-M!

Here are a few sites to help you along the way. I just embarked on The Artist’s Way, it’s a committed study for twelve weeks and WILL help you unblock your creative blocks, (not just for artists, trust me) I’m only on day five and have noticed how this is/and will change my life and open up my creativity. You must be willing like everything us. However, The Artist’s Way if followed with the reading and journaling will NOT let you remain the same person you were. You will be “who God intended you to be!”  I will speak further on this subject in my next blog.

Here’s a couple links for you to check out.

Thank you for your support, and if “anything at all” I have to say helps you, inspires you, or makes you ponder, wonder, or laugh, feel free to drop a coin on the angels wings at the top of the page.

“I’d rather be a tree full of life  bending every which way in a storm, then a piece of dead wood floating aimlessly among the stagnant waters of  yesterday.” ~ Eva Starr

Eva Starr
Eva Starr

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