Soul Food-Full Moon/Venus Meets Jupiter

May 23, 2024by Eva Starr0
sherlock holmes
what makes your heart sing
Soul Food-Full Moon/Venus Meets Jupiter

This morning’s full moon in Sagittarius brings a cornucopia of benefit friends. Venus meets up with Jupiter, lending positive energy to the full moon and bringing along love, abundance, and prosperity. This is one of the best days this month to be out and about and allow the Universe to sprinkle its blessings upon you. Now, if you choose to stay in your cave and not venture into the light of day, that’s on you.

This full moon also plays nicely with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. Pluto typically doesn’t play nice with anyone, so take advantage of its kindness on this day/weekend. Pluto sextile (favorable aspect) opens up the opportunity for you to “transform” something in your life, follow your intuitive self, and make room for you to more clearly identify and understand the dynamics surrounding relationships in your life, thus allowing space for you to make the necessary positive changes.

For those who know more about astrology and follow your chart, the Full Moon occurs today, Thursday, May 23, 2024, at 02°55′ Sagittarius at 9:53 am/EDT. Good energy is coming to those of you with planets at 2*-3* Aries, Leo, & Sagittarius and the air signs at 2*-3* of Gemini, Libra, & Aquarius. If you’re unclear contact your favorite astrologer. 😉

Now, this isn’t all sugarplums and fairies; some of you will experience the push-pull effect of the Mono opposing the Sun energy, which happens each Full Moon. With the sextile aspect of Pluto mentioned earlier, home/family vs work issues may arise. Pluto goes deep below the surface, bringing emotions/feelings you’ve kept buried deeper than the Cave of Veryovkina in Abkhazia, Georgia. Whether these feelings are positive or negative, you will be TRANSFORMED; there is no getting around it. The relationship will go through growing pains, but you evolve freer (Sag energy) to move on.

Pay attention to your dream world these days; they can give clues about what’s happening, or you haven’t seen. Last night, I had three distinct, separate dreams, none of which I was crazy about. One involving coiled up snakes (Pluto) everywhere I walked and broken eyeglasses (mine). Neptune is one of deception and “not seeing things clearly,” today, Neptune is making aspects to Moon, Venus & Jupiter. On a good note, you may also meet someone who profoundly changes your life. So, be aware and have 360* vision this weekend. I’m not just talking about your eyes; keep your intuition blade finely sharpened. Use this energy to sharpen your Sherlock Holmes skills. You can trust your intuition, invite mystical experiences (or dreams), and research and investigate occult subjects and the mysteries of the beyond.

On the upside, the Venus/Jupiter conjunction (two planets together) will expand harmony, love, and abundance. We all want that, right? Be vigilant in your gratitude this weekend, allowing the Universe to bring you more of the same. These two planets coming together favor love, opportunities, new friendships & romance, adventure, and the arts and lend favor in legal matters. What more could you ask for?

The dance Jupiter is doing with Neptune brings growth, good fortune, and harmony. If you’re on the spiritual/metaphysical path, there’s no time like now to dive into those studies. This spiritual enlightenment will give you insight into your place in the cosmos and help align your spiritual philosophy. Use this time to broaden your perspective on life and how you may serve this planet in a way only “YOU” can!

Candle colors: Red, Orange

Oils: Clove, Peppermint, Clove

Crystals: Rainbow Moonstone, Selenite Fire

How this full moon affects your Zodiac sign.

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what makes your heart sing

Rosie, Ziggy & I send love, enlightenment, and peace to all.

Pic of Rosie from 2015




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