Soul Food – Full Moon Today/Come Out of your Comfort Zone & Take a Walk on the Wild Side

July 23, 2021by Eva Starr0
Aquarius Full Moon
fish jump out of bowl
clutter postponed
Aquarius Full Moon
Today’s Full Moon occurs at 1* 26′ Aquarius Moon/Leo Sun at 7:37pm/PDT & 10:37pm/EDT.
What’s particularly interesting about this full moon is that is extremely close to the same degree as the 20-year alignment
of Jupiter and Saturn that occurred at the Winter Solstice last December 2020 and that hasn’t happened in Aquarius since the 1400s.
Get used to it folks, the new-normal is here and it’s ANYTHING BUT NORMAL! Like it or not, Aquarius (unlike the Cancerian folks like me, who love looking at days gone by, reveling in nostalgia) doesn’t look in the rear-view mirror, full steam ahead, is their motto. Remember the futuristic cartoon The Jetsons, well we’re there.
fish jump out of bowlIf you’re one of those people who don’t like change, I suggest you jump out of that fishbowl you’ve been living in and take a walk on the wild side. You can start slow if you like, dip your pinky toe in the water first if you must, but then you’re going to have to step it up and get with the times, or you’ll be left behind in the dust, and then they’ll be singing Bob Dylan’s Blowing in the Wind over your ashes.
It’s time to get excited about what you can learn from people who don’t think as you do. Whoa, wait a minute, too scary for me you say. LOL like I said, you’ve got to come out of your comfort zone if you want to exist here on Planet Earth and feel like you’re at least a piece of the land of the living, deadwood is only good for sitting on the center of a glass coffee table.
I’m not saying you’ve got to dye your hair teal or neon pink or get a nose ring. However, what I am saying is at least explore your options, listen to others’ opinions, read some new material, open your mind up and vacuum out those cobwebs that have been taking up real estate in that head of yours for way too long. Open the windows of the mind and the Soul to innovative ways of thinking and doing things. Try it, you just might like it. (Mikey)
The moon forms a tense quincunx to Venus, while Venus opposes Jupiter. Irritations may arise in relationships as one feels the need to resolve the internal imbalance of nurturing self and supporting others. Addressing these unresolved issues before they become too tense and out-of-control is the wiser option. The Jupiter-Venus opposition is good for social life, but don’t throw caution to the wind. Keep your standards from falling below sea-level and watch your tendency to over-indulge with drugs and alcohol this weekend. A word to the wise, you might want to keep your wallet at home.

clutter postponedThis is also a good time to release what no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming! A great time to get rid of the clutter in your life, that is adding to the procrastination of your goals. Oh yea, clutter, and procrastination go hand-in-hand. Go easy on yourself ad pick one area of your life and/or home that needs a thorough purging and have at it. Clear out the clutter in the Knowledge & Wisdom area of your home or office.

Angels, Colors & Crystals:

  • Angel – Gabriel
  • Candle Colors – electric & ultramarine blue/deep violet
  • Crystals – Amber, Amethyst, Garnet, Hematite & Clear Quartz

Happy Full Moon & Blessings to You,


Eva Starr


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