Soul Food-Full Moon/Shake, Rattle & Roll

February 12, 2025by Eva Starr0
Top Thrill 2
Soul Food-Full Moon/Shake, Rattle & Roll

Today, February 12th, at 8:53 AM EST, 5:53 AM PST, we have a Full Moon at 24° Leo opposing the 24° Aquarian Sun. This means that the Moon and the Sun are in opposite signs, Leo and Aquarius, which can create tension between our personal desires (Leo) and our collective responsibilities (Aquarius). This Full Moon is making a square to Uranus, a challenging aspect, to say the least. A square is an astrological aspect that signifies tension and obstacles. Uranus is all about change, upsetting the apple cart, the rabble-rouser, and looking at things from an unconventional viewpoint. Nothing is boring about Uranus, so pull up your bootstraps and get ready to ride a bucking bull in the rodeo.

Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, opposes the Moon in Leo. This can lead to changes in relationships, miscommunications, and snafus with the media. Ensure you take your vitamins and eat your Breakfast of Champions bowl of Wheaties in the morning. The Full Moon polarity squaring Uranus brings home/family versus work to the forefront. Along with what you need, opposing what you want creates inner and external tension. I know this isn’t the bowl of cherries you hoped for. However, as the cliche goes, what doesn’t kill you strengthens you.

This is a time to be patient and understanding, especially in your personal relationships, and prepare for unexpected changes in your daily routine. However, Saturn and Neptune are still in Pisces, and Mars is still in Retrograde in Cancer but is about to move direct on February 24th. With the Water signs of Pisces and Cancer, rely on your intuition and heightened awareness to direct the traffic and avoid a major pile-up. Remember, awareness is key.

You’re the Captain of your Ship. Ride the waves while keeping your emotional balance, and steer toward the horizon as the Sun rises out of the darkness. You have the strength and resilience to handle whatever this Full Moon brings. Trust in your abilities and stay confident in your journey.

I’m often reminded of the expression, “If you wanna make God laugh, tell him your plans.” This Full Moon reminds me of that, with Uranus in the mix. Sometimes, the status quo needs to get flipped upside down, turned inside out, and then you’re left to pick up the pieces. This Full Moon will do precisely that. If your life was boring and you felt like you needed some excitement, look no further.

This Full Moon will be a cakewalk for those already riding the Top Thrill 2 at Cedar Point. For those who prefer the Merry-Go-Round, fasten your seat belt, take a deep breath, and trust me, you will come out on the other side. Let loose, wear your blue suede shoes, and shake it up. You might even bring Elvis back from the dead.

Caution: Keep your hands on the wheel, keep a lid on your temper, stay out of jail, and try not to rock the boat too much. Open-mindedness, flexibility, and patience are your best tools to help you ride this wave. Look for new opportunities and be open to possibilities you never thought existed. Patience and open-mindedness can help you navigate even the most challenging times.

Ceres, considered a dwarf planet, is also in the mix with Mercury and opposite the Moon. Ceres represent grain crops, fertility, and motherly relationships. Look for subject matters involving women’s rights and independent women in the news. Don’t be surprised if we hear more news about our nation’s agriculture and other food issues.

With the Full Moon in the sign of the Lion, Leo, opposing the Sun and squaring Uranus, it may upset that Lion a bit. With Leo’s love of pleasure, gambling, and entertainment, it doesn’t make them the quiet ones in the jungle. Look for the Leo side of humanity to be slightly more flamboyant and arrogant than usual. Stay out of their way; the Lion doesn’t mess around.

Since you can’t hide under a rock or pull the covers over your head for the next few days, I advise you to go with the flow. Be open-minded, get creative, and look for innovative opportunities in the chaos. You might just come out of this with a mere scratch or two.



With every Full Moon, I make a release & let go list, “letting go of whatever no longer serves who I am & who I am becoming!” I light a candle, & burn my list into my cauldron, & shout BE GONE! 

Full Moon in Leo Ritual

What does this Full Moon mean for your Zodiac sign


Eva Starr

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