Soul Food-Full Moon-On the Road Again

September 15, 2016by Eva Starr0


This Friday we have a Full Moon Penumbal Lunar Eclipse at 3:05pm/EDT & 12:05pm/PDT at 24* Pisces/Virgo. If that ain’t a handful with Mercury Retrograde and Jupiter just entering Libra I don’t know what is.

Wherever you may be; be sure to enjoy the beauty of the “Harvest Moon” and watch it rise with breath-taking colors of oranges, yellows, & reds.

I’m short on time because I have been packing and purging like a fiend getting ready to go back home. Interestingly enough Jupiter entered Libra last week and activated my fourth house of home and family. (that’s if you’re a Cancer). It just goes to show you how divinely orchestrated this vast Universe of ours is.

Here is the low-down in simple terms for all of you:

  • this full moon will cause us to look at the whole picture instead of just the details
  • while embracing both at the same time (i.e. beach/ocean)
  • Jupiter in Libra is showing us where we need more BALANCE in our life and to reflect on that
  • Mercury Retrograde is the hellion that is testing our resolve to re-think just about everything with due diligence
  • purge, release, & let go of what no longer serves who you are & who you are becoming

I will be “on the road again” Saturday, September 17th (Happy Birthday Sparky)…see you all when I arrive. (Many, many, many prayers are requested for my trip through the mountains)! Thank you…

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