Tonight brings about a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 23* Leo/Aquarius 7:33pmEST/4:33pmPST. If you are a Leo/Aquarius, Taurus/Scorpio or have planets in those signs between 19-27 degrees this will hit you the hardest. What all this means in a nutshell:
- are you ready? things are about to change, however, as things go these issues have been brewing under the surface for awhile
- matters dealing with relationships of all kind will come to the forefront, work, family, and romantic
- freedom becomes an issue, (Aquarius Sun), while keeping the whole in mind
- the moon is trining Saturn (practical magik) & Uranus (out-of-the-blue) changes
- while the Sun is trining Jupiter (watch excess, over indulgence)
- make a list of WHAT, WHO, WHERE in your life needs to be let go of, and determine to once and for all LET IT GO, trust me if YOU don’t; this Lunar Eclipse will DO IT FOR YOU! (but then you’ll be working on clean-up) so it’s a lot easier to get your damage-control activated
- whatever you had brewing in that cauldron of yours in September has now come full circle, (think about it) the good news it, you’re about to be done with it
- what to look forward to? the Solar Eclipse on February 26th will implement these changes
Click here for how this affects your sign:
Love & Blessings to you,