Soul Food-Full Moon Lunar Eclipse-Pay Attention/Lessons to Learn

August 7, 2017by Eva Starr0

This may be a tad later than usual because I’ve got way too much on my plate; I need to learn balance, (which I will share a story later). Full Sturgeon Moon occurred at 15* Leo/Aquarius at 2:11 pm EDT/11:11 am PDT earlier today. This was a partial lunar eclipse, lunar eclipses open avenues for a problem to be taken away, addressed or a solution found.

This full moon in Aquarius is calling for us to let go of procrastination (boy do I need to “pay attention” to that one), it’s time to shine. We’ve started to fix those things that are broken, exciting possibilities are around the corner, your life is about to CHANGE!

  • when you no longer want to give=the receiving stops (are you caught up on your tithes?)
  • when you no longer want to play & jump=your body moans & groans
  • are you listening to others=not following your internal GPS?

If you’ve taken a detour and are lost finding your way back=the lesson is ALWAYS take the HIGH road. The lunar eclipse is here to help empty us out, release the clutter, be reflective. Remember what I always say to affirm during these times “I am letting go of what no longer serves who I am and who I am becoming.” Beware not to “rush” to replace the void of what is “leaving.”

Eclipse season is a time of transitions – especially if you have planets hitting 15* Leo/Aquarius you will feel the intensity stringer.  This is a time when our issues rise to the surface, pay attention to the messages the Universe is hand delivering to you. USE IT or LOSE IT! How we deal with what occurs during eclipse season affects our lives for YEARS to come. It’s definitely a time to “PAY ATTENTION” become astutely mindful, reflect, and journal. Ask yourself what are you doing with the lessons you are learning? Did you hear me? Reread the last sentence or two!

I lost a very special raw emerald (that I got in Sedona) earlier in the week, fortunately the Angels brought it back to me three days later. Then the next day I lost a black pearl from my white/black pearl yin-yang ring (another very special and sentimental gift). The very next morning my daughter called me besides herself in a torrential downpour of tears and crying, someone stole her grandmothers ring (my mom passed this past year) and another very special ring she’d had for over a decade. The Universe is SCREAMING at us to “pay attention.”

I’ve already processed my lessons, the black pearl represents the “yin”, night, rest, relaxation. My life is out of balance and I’m “LOSING” my yin. The emerald represents my healing gifts, that I am not using to my full potential, (USE IT or LOSE IT)! I know what I need to do in my life, and I’m about to listen.

Mercury in Virgo is strong, making this retrograde one that will focus on what gets in the way of our ability to be effective, skillful, and precise. Mercury will end up retrograding all the way back to 28° of Leo come September. The same degree that the total solar eclipse on August 21st is occurring on. This Mercury retrograde cycle ties into one of the most intense, dramatic and important astrological events of the year, letting us know that whatever we are needing to unlearn and relearn will be incredibly significant for a long time to come. Letting us know that whatever occurs around August 21st will be revisited around September 5th. (credit given to Chani Nicholas)

I have plenty more to say, however I need to get my yin-yang energy back to balance.

As Always, I love you and thank you for your support…

Eva Starr



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