This coming Wednesday October 24th at 12:45pm EDT the Moon at 1*Taurus will be opposing the Sun in Scorpio, aligned with Uranus opposing Venus and trining Saturn. What does all that mean for you? I’m about to spell it out for you!
Changes in Love & Money…however the Saturn energy will work with you to help balance out that crazy Uranian energy. Saturn energy will bring a rainbow of opportunities after the Uranian tornado clears the landscape of what is no longer useful or necessary in your world. If you are still holding onto things that have long outworn their welcome, (Taurean stubbornness), trust me it’s time to wake up and shake it up!
Harvest what you planted back on October 8th, during the New Moon. It’s time to make peace with yourself and where you are. Lay your heavy load to rest and move forward on your journey with a lighter heart and a mission to find your joy. Let this be your affirmation ” I release what no longer serves who I am and who I am becoming!”
Dig deep in that cave of your psyche, embrace you shadow self (Scorpion energy) and let them skeletons out of that closet in the dungeon that you’ve kept locked up for decades! Yea, I’m talking to YOU, and YOU, and YOU! Forgive everything that has hurt you, including yourself.
Quit putting the same ingredients in that cake you’ve been baking for way too long now and expecting it to turn out differently. FREE yourself from old patterns that have outworn themselves like an old pair of shoes. Change it up, old habits die hard, but if you don’t take a proactive stance you get blindsided. You’ll wish you opened that bolted door and let the bats fly out of the belfry before the ton of bricks comes falling!
Do your Full Moon releasing ritual:
- write out a list of what you are letting go of
- light a red or black candle
- burn that list
- then replace it with the changes you are now making in your life
I keep forgetting to post my television shows on my blog. Here is the link for all the shows in the past year:
Discounted Solar Return Specials for Libras, Scorpios & Sagittarians
Solar Returns are an in-depth chart analysis for the birthday year. Usually activating as early as three months in advance going through your birthday cycle for about fifteen months. Solar Returns focus on the areas of your chart (life) that are being activated specific to the birthday year, (23-27-page report). Order yours today…
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