Soul Food-Full Moon in Capricorn/Learning Life’s Lessons

June 27, 2018by Eva Starr0

I’m not going to sugar coat this one, the upcoming Full Moon in Capricorn occurring at 6* on June 28th, at 12:52 am EDT (just after Midnight) isn’t a picnic. It is conjunct a Saturn Retrograde, trine Uranus, (wide orb), and Mars just went Retrograde in Aquarius. With the heavy (and I do mean heavy) Saturn influence, there’ll be no escaping, although we will want to run for the hills! Saturn is lessons learned, discipline, patience, responsibility, depression…sign me up for all of that right?

However, just like the Capricorn Goat, we must trod along, stand for a moment (maybe longer) on those plateau cliffs up the mountain side and persevere. If we take a long look at where we’ve come and gone since the Capricorn New Moon in January, we can make the necessary changes. The good news, you mean there’s good news? Yes, a glimmer of hope with a trine to Uranus, we must be OPEN and WILLING to make the changes necessary. Break free from those self-imposed chains. Remember, you are NOT the one in control, did you not read my last blog? “I release what no longer serves who I am and who I am becoming!”

We are exactly where we need to be on this road called life. You can run but you can’t hide. With the recent suicides in the headlines, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, the energy is heavy no doubt, and dark yes…however we must look to that ray of light in that dark cave, no matter how small that pinhole of light may be. As I’ve said on FB, feel free to call me anytime day or night if life seems too tough at times.

We all have our moments of despair, me being a Cancer, I have more than my share of them. Take more time out over these next few weeks to journal, mediate, spend time with friends and time in nature. Mars recently went Retrograde in Aquarius, another merry-go-round of life, actually more like the Demon Drop. This energy for the next few months is a collective humanitarian energy. For the masses we need to pull together as a human race or there’s going to be an explosion of volatile energy bursting at the seams. It brings the image of the movie Network to mind, “we aren’t going to take it anymore.”

After all is said and done, we DO have the energy of the eclipse season coming in July, the hills will come alive and Julie Andrews will sing again…

Thank you all for your continued support, picture taken on my 63rd birthday…



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