Soul Food-Four Planets Retrograde & the Best Way to Utilize This/What they Mean for Your Sign

May 14, 2020by Eva Starr0

Yes, you heard right Pluto, Saturn, Venus & Jupiter all Retrograde right now, & Mercury & Mars will follow soon. I’m going to break this down for you in layman’s terms right now for those of you who are not familiar with Astrology.

Retrograde means the planet is stationary, it stops moving, however the Earth is still revolving which makes the planet “appear” to be moving backward. It is moving backward in degrees (of whatever sign it’s in) due to the Earth’s rotation. Each planet rules a specific Zodiac sign & specific areas of our lives. When these planets Retrograde the things the  planet rules come to a standstill or wreak havoc on our lives, hence the dreaded Mercury Retrograde that hits us like a brick three times a year.

Anything having to do with the prefix “re-” is a good rule to remember doing these times; (i.e.) reflect, reevaluate, review, redo, rethink, rewind, reconsider, reconnect, reclaim, reorganize, & reassociate. I think you get the picture.

Here is a brief overview of current four planets that are Retrograde, the sign they’re in, and the degrees. If you have planets in your chart that are withing orb of these degrees, in the same sign or signs that make aspects to these planets you will be most affected.

PLUTO: Retrograde on April 25th at 25* Capricorn until Oct 4th – Buckle up, & hold on to your seat, cuz you’re in for a helluva ride. Pluto is about death & rebirth, transformation, & power. Oh yea, power struggles baby. I’ve got news for all of you, Pluto is what brought the Coronavirus to us in the first place, Big Daddy doesn’t like it when the Universe doesn’t listen to Mother Nature (don’t you remember the butter commercials). If you think I’m joking the last time Pluto was in this astrological position was the pandemic of 1918 the Spanish Influenza.

This dwarf of a planet is going to shake up everything related to power. “You can run but you can’t hide” is its theme song. Everything hidden is about to become uncovered. Planet Earth is getting a big wake-up call when it comes to its attachment to the material  world. The only way you’ll come out of this unscathed is if  “Let Go & Go with the Flow” become your Mantra. The best way to walk with Pluto, is to imagine you’ve been blind-sided in a dark alley & you’ve come face-to-face with a mugger, turn over everything you have, it’s just “stuff” anyway. This will be intense for Capricorns, & challenging for Cancers, (that’d be me), Aries (that’d be my Rising sign) & Libras.

How YOUR sign will be affected by Pluto Retrograde

SATURN: Retrograde on May 11th at 1* 57′ Aquarius – Saturn is the task master, the lesson maker, dealing with our Karma, as in have we learned our lessons or not. The good news is, if we’ve studied hard (as in the game of life) and stayed on task, then it’s time for our due rewards. Saturn is also about stability and commitment, which could be nudging those commit-phobic people in the other direction. This is a time to reflect on lessons learned and take a look at our careers also. Especially during this pandemic, where do we want to head moving forward, is there a career change in the works? You’ve got plenty of time to do your reassessing for Saturn will remain Retrograde until September 29th.

How YOUR sign will be affected by Saturn Retrograde

VENUS: Retrograde on May 12th at 21* 50′ Gemini – Venus retrogrades only occur in five areas of the sky (which form a pentagram), and these repeat in the same sign every 8 years—so, the last Venus retrograde in Gemini was in the spring of 2012, and before that in the spring of 2004. It’s often very useful and informative to look back at these times for repeating symbols and patterns regarding sensuality and love, social life, the arts, and fashion. –

Venus is the planet of love & money. This is not the time to try & bleach your own hair or try to do the bowl cut yourself, thank God the salons are opening up again.  I would also hold off on that boob job you’ve been wanting, just saying. The retrograde will bring up every stone left unturned with your significant other, so you might as well get it out there now & deal with it, but please leave it off FB, Instagram & Twitter.

Don’t be surprised if the guy/gal you might’ve dated when you were twelve, all of a sudden seems to be an issue. Look out, because Venus retrograde is the time exes show up on your doorstep as if they were the mailman. Since this Venus retrograde is also in Chatty Cathy (Gemini), best keep your texting to a bare minimum ‘lest you send that text to the wrong lover. OOPS!

For the good news, take this time to nurture yourself, indulge in a hot bubble bath, buy yourself some flowers, binge on your favorite romantic movies, remind yourself what it is you love about YOU! Since this retrograde is in the sign on communication, this is a good time to have that heart-to-heart with your honey, think carefully about your words, and always choose kindness before you speak. If you’re still having trouble communicating, this is also a good time to step back and reflect on exactly what you want to express and how you want to express it. This is a good time to wipe the dust off that journal and let your pen do the writing, before you open mouth, insert foot.

*** Note: Venus is making a square to Neptune during this time, so take off those rose-colored glasses, everything is not as it seems. Venus will begin its forward motion again on July 25th.

How YOUR sign will be affected by Venus Retrograde

JUPITER: Retrograde May 14th 27* 14′ Capricorn until September 13th – Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, the Santa Claus of the Zodiac. When Jupiter is retrograde it’s time to look at the bigger picture and reflect on how we’re doing as far as what we want in the long haul. Since Jupiter also rules spirituality, metaphysics, and philosophy, the questions we need to be asking ourselves are: “Is what I’m doing aligned with my Soul’s purpose? Am I coming from a place of integrity?”

Whatever Jupiter touches it expands, this is something we need to remember, good or not so good. Since Jupiter is the Great Benefactor, the Retrograde may also bring benefits that have been held up, or you’ve been waiting for, and now the blessings will be bestowed upon you. This is definitely a time of inner growth, as I mentioned above, shining a light on the areas of your Soul that could use some introspection, so when the time comes to manifest that big “dream” of yours you’ll be ready.

How YOUR sign will be affected by Jupiter Retrograde

If you’ve learned anything from all of this or feel inspired, feel free to drop a coin in the tip jar,

With Love & Gratitude,

Eva Starr



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