Before we move on to the new moon (which isn’t happening until a week from now) let’s talk about what we need to DURING this week before the arrival of the first new moon of the year. We started the new year of 2018 off with a full moon in Cancer opposing the Capricorn sun. As my avid readers know, this is a time of release, letting and clearing the clutter of our minds, emotions, as well as our physical spaces.
So, we’re clear here and understand each other; this is a time to purge, baby purge! Get rid of stuff, then get rid of more stuff, and then do it all over again and get rid of some more stuff! Let’s not forget purging our consciousness and getting rid of the cobwebs that have taken up residence up there without paying rent. This is your last-ditch effort before the first new moon of 2018 where we will begin anew!!! Are you LISTENING???
Once this new moon hits on Tuesday, January 16th at 9:17pm EST/6:17pm PST it’s all systems go. Time to set your intentions for the new year 2018. This upcoming new moon is in Capricorn, which rules career and public status. The ruling planet is Saturn, (which just went into Capricorn late in December) which is affectionately known as Father Time. This will be a slow-moving energy over the next three years, so take your time planning your goals, and mapping them out over the new few years. There is a total of six planets aligned in the Celestial Heavens in Capricorn during this event. This star-studded line-up includes the Sun, the Moon, Pluto, Mercury, Saturn, and Venus.
For those serious manifestors, I am holding a 3-hour Vision Board Workshop at the Goddess Blessed, in Lakewood on Saturday, January 27th, 1-4pm.
Calling all Sagittarians, Capricorns, and Aquarians for the flavor of the month Solar Returns special. Solar Returns for the aforementioned signs are $75 (50% off). As most of my students know the Solar Return can be activated as early as three months before the birthday month, and I already have some eager beavers placing their orders. Just click on this Solar Return Special button, and you can get a jump on it also.
What is a Solar Return?
- in-depth 22-27-page report w/phone consultation of your upcoming year
- highlights the major themes, and what houses your action is focused around
- based on the exact position of natal sun returning to that same degree
- can also be altered by being in a different state or city around the date of birth
- an extremely accurate forecast of personal life events for the nest fifteen months near the birth date
- Place your order here
Astrology classes starting Thursday nights, January 18th, at the Goddess Blessed for 8 weeks. These classes are the most comprehensive intensive classes you will ever take. You will know more about Astrology then you ever thought possible. Phone me at 440-930-8865 to register or see Kathy at the Goddess Blessed in Lakewood.
Karmic Past Life Reports and 2018 Numerology Reports are still available for the next week only, order before the New Moon.
Order yours today.
Past Life Karmic2018 Numerology
Thank you for all the love and support,
Eva Starr.