Soul Food-February Starr Scopes/Did You Forget Who You Are?

February 2, 2017by Eva Starr0

I’ve been under the weather these last four or five days and besides sleeping a lot I did have a chance to catch up on my spirituality. I was reminded that God is infinite, WE ARE INFINITE, simply because we are not separate from that which is. We have the power to choose health, wealth, love…whatever it is, it is there for the asking, taking, just wake up from the illusion that you are separate. Now ask yourself are you an EAGLE or a CHICKEN?

I just finished February’s Starr Scopes, enjoy this month of L-O-V-E!

February Starr Scopes

ARIES: Venus and Mars just joined forces in the Rams home; along with your ace-in-the-hole angel card, looks like new love and a new home may be in the mix during this month of  L-O-V-E. Just remember to keep those horns of yours in tuck, we know how the Ram likes to dress up for combat. No doubt the Ram will be first in line when the Universe is playing your song. Your Mantra for the month of February is “Make Love NOT War!”

TAURUS: Well, it’s about time the Bull has finally decided to come out of the Bull Pen and search for something with some sustenance to it. The Bull seems a little dissatisfied with the way things are going around the Bull Pen and it’s longing for something more spiritual. Your desire to move on is a healthy choice, go ahead and move on over to another pasture, emotional growth is yours for the taking.

GEMINI: The Twins are also trying to choose who’s going to show up at the Valentine’s dance; Mr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? No worries Gemini, weigh your decisions, and your heart will tell you in which direction to aim Cupid’s bow and arrow. Your health is looking good this month, so you may just want to play both cards, and show up in Twins style, take them both and enjoy that witty conversation till the Sun starts to rise.

CANCER: The Sun along with Archangel Uriel is shining down on the Crab this month. It’s about time you say, enjoy the limelight while you can. Come out of that Crab shell of yours and show us that confidence you are made of. Brilliant new ideas are headed to the shore, take them, do your magic with them and watch them set sail. Happy outcomes are in the Stars, let the Heavens and the Moon shine on you, bask in the moonlight glow that becomes you so.

LEO: The Lion/Lioness needs a respite this month. Too much responsibility running that Jungle of yours has worn you out. You can still rule the throne from the sidelines. You’ll need some time to reflect, mediate and take a step back before making any iron-clad decisions. Enjoy some of nature’s beauty, take a walk outside, breathe and let your heart speak to you; it knows the answers of your Soul.

VIRGO: This month all that analyzing you do, just might come in handy. The Planetary influences are calling for you to make room for compromise and balance in your life. Take all things in moderation, cooperate with those in your circle and think before making any rash decisions. How is that garden growing? Have patience, you must wait for the Divine right time before planting any seeds. The Universe works in cycles, and it knows when the time is right.

LIBRA: My dear Libran, this month comes wrapped in surprises. A significant life event shows up in your playing field. Archangel Chamuel will be the messenger who brings a powerful revelation to your doorstep. Make room for change, it’s time to spread those wings of yours. Don’t worry, you’ll be guided how to fly, if God brings you to it, he/she will bring you through it. Don’t tip the scales, balance is your friend.

SCORPIO: Trustworthy and respected people enter the Scorpion’s world in February. Open your heart and mind to those around you. Love is everywhere, you may be inspired to do some charity work this month. It would do the Scorpion good to keep that stinger in check during the month of love. Spread the joy, share the love, and you won’t have to do your usual deep digging, chances are it’s right in front of you. Open your eyes, then open your arms…

SAGITARRIUS: The Centaur is always up for new adventures, and this month isn’t any different. Keep your eyes and ears open when you’re off slaying dragons, and rescuing damsels in distress, a new person enters your life. Tune into your other senses this month, listen with your heart, not just your mind. You’d be amazed how much opening your heart can tear down that fortress that you’ve built around you. Put down the bow and arrow.

CAPRICORN: The Goat may have to drop the “all business front” for a spell this month. While you do need to take care of some matters with your competition, and resolve some conflict, then take time out for you. There’s a lot brewing on that mountainside of yours, and it’ll still be there when you come back from a time-out. You may even have a better solution to the problem after consulting your heart.

AQUARIUS: You’re the birthday child this month, with the Sun and Mercury lined up at your doorstep. The Messenger of the Gods (Mercury) brings an end to a difficult situation. Embrace the change. Aquarians are all about embracing the new, unique, and unconventional…this month will give you plenty of opportunities to do just that. While you’re at it, you may just have a few tricks of your own up your sleeve.

PISCES: The fish is always swimming upstream and downstream confused as to which way to go. This month is no different. However, there is a solution, do a little more research while swimming tither and fro. We know this is a complex decision, and we also know that it’s time to get your head out of the clouds and just decide! Even if you decide NOT to make a decision, that’s still a decision, quit procrastinating.

Lots of Love to All of You this Month,

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