Soul Food-Fall Equinox Ritual & Your Surrender Horoscope

September 23, 2020by Eva Starr0

The fall equinox is equal day and night, and about finding the balance in your life. It’s also about the harvest, not necessarily food, (but it can be), but also your spiritual labor, have you been working on since Covid-19 that you’re about ready to reap the rewards of what you sow?

Here’s Three Easy Rituals to bring in the Harvest & Celebrate the Season:

  1. Celebrate with Food & Fellowship
    • Interestingly enough I was thinking about making apple crisp on Tuesday and I didn’t even realize it was the fall equinox. I also was thinking of making SPIKED hot apple cider to go with that apple crisp. I haven’t gotten to it yet, but found some great recipes which I definitely will be trying out.
    • Keep up with your gratitude journal & your tithing. This is the perfect time of year to express your gratitude, The Universe abhors a vacuum, what you give out , it rushes in to fill.
  2. Get Grounded, Connect with the Earth
    • Just like the trees that shed their leaves, we too need to release what no longer serves who we are and who we are becoming. Surrender to that which is holding you back from living your true purpose. (see video below for your “surrender” horoscope)
    • Get outside in nature, connect with the energies around you, walk barefoot in the sand or the dirt, or be it the grass. What matters is your intention to honor Mother Earth and all she has brought to you.
  3. Reflect, Journal, Meditate
    • What has been zapping your energy? Are there relationships that need to be released? Is your time out of balance? Do you work more than you play? Is your giving in balance with your taking? Is how you’re spending your time bringing you closer to your divine purpose?
    • These are just a few questions for you to ponder…

The energy of the fall equinox will assist you in delving into your Soul, and preparing you for the harvest, As you sit with these questions, connect with Mother Earth, and gather together with friends and food, you’ll be preparing for the winter season ahead.

Remember the Universe never gives you anything you can’t handle. Look around you, the Earth is a constant reminder of the flow of life, the seasons, the animal’s migratory patterns, and hibernations. Everything in this magnificent Universe is in flow, of its natural  rhythms from the bees to the trees.

Here’s a short video I’ve created using my Surrender deck, giving you your Fall Equinox “Surrender” Horoscope


Blessings & Gratitude to All,

Eva Starr




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