Soul Food-During the Holiday Season, Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go…

December 13, 2022by Eva Starr0
Let it Go
Let it Go
Let it Go
Let it Go

Soul Food-During, the Holiday Season, Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go…

I’m sure most of us (at least if you’re my age) are familiar with Dean Martin’s (click here) Let it, Snow, Let it, Snow, Let it, Snow…

I’ve come up with my version:

Let it GoOh, the kids are so noisy, it’s frightful

But the smells in the kitchen are delightful

Since the kids have nowhere else to go

Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go


The brothers & sisters are fighting.

The sting of the cold weather is biting

But the lights on the tree are aglow

Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go


Let it GoPeople are running late, and the food is getting cold

But the colors on the tree are bright & gold

There are things you can’t control

Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go


The house is a mess with decorations

Time to do away with expectations

You’ve spent way too much green dough

Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go


Let it GoPeople pleasing is a NO, NO, NO

Just focus on Santa’s HO, HO, HO

Too much Eggnog, you’ve hit an all-time low

Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go


Well, that about sums it up, but let me reiterate. If you’d like to bring your stress level down to under a three, just Let it Be:

Tips for Letting Go during the Holiday Season:

  • Don’t play the victim. If you can’t make all the food or fly across the country, or you don’t have the money to spend on twenty cousins, brothers, sisters, and twice-removed uncles, then don’t! It’s pretty simple, no one’s going to like you less, and if they do, who the F _ _ _ cares? Set your boundaries!
  • Let it GoDon’t fall into the FB trap. By that, I mean comparing yourself to everyone else’s perfect tree, or the outrageously decorated outside house & yard, or the annual letter that goes on & on bragging about everyone in the family’s accomplishments. It wasn’t in my planetary budgetary stars to get a tree this year. I used last year’s decorations & decorated my Aloe Vera plant in the dining room, & my Jade plant in the living room. Again, just be YOU!
  • Don’t overindulge. Spend only what you can afford (I shop at Goodwill’s & Resale shops, & people LOVE my gifts). Don’t be guilted into eating the umpteenth Xmas cookie or drinking too many Xmas cocktails. Know yourself, & keep everything in moderation.
  • Don’t have high expectations that everything will turn out like a Hallmark Christmas Movie; it’s a movie for a reason. Pray, meditate, do Yoga, or listen to peaceful music to put you in the right frame of mind, to NOT be bothered by all the Holiday stress. Stay in the PRESENT! Lower your expectations or decide you will be OK no matter what happens. Let it Go!
  • Don’t put yourself in the General Patton uniform this Christmas. The only person you can control is YOU. Kids will be kids, pets will do pet things, brothers & sisters will argue, & your significant other will probably do something to piss you off. Let go of Control this Holiday Season; manage yourself!

Stay tuned for some free workshops coming up: Treasure Mapping & Intro to Louise Hay.

Ziggy Starrdust & I wish you a Happy Holiday Season










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