I’ve had a string of let’s call them “opportunities for spiritual growth” lately, however I’ve had other words for them. I just had another one this past weekend, I fell walking to the Lakewood Arts Festival on Saturday afternoon, tripped over a rock on the sidewalk, and fall half into the street. After bleeding profusely, talking with the police and paramedics I walked away with a huge bruise on my chin and bruised, wounded knee and arm etc. (and NO there was no wine involved).
After much reflection on what’s it all about, and that’s just a smidgeon of what kind of roller-coaster I’ve been on. I’ve come to the realization again (after much conversation with a mentor of mine) that it’s not what happens to you, it’s HOW you respond to what happens to you. Again, for those of you who’ve taken my classes or life coaching with me this is NOT a news flash.
What I was graced with this weekend was a few kind souls who were there for me when I was a scared, a bleeding mess, laying on the concrete, half into the street, and trying to finish my walk to the Lakewood Arts Festival, to find a first-aid booth. No need to go into details, but there were a few kind souls who genuinely wanted to help, for no other reason than to help another human being in distress.
All those kind souls already got snail mail cards in the mail to let them know how grateful and appreciative I am. Of course, I non-chalantly got addresses and names so I could send those cards. Call me old school, but I like to let people know I appreciate a kindness. Too many people go unnoticed in this world today. WHY, I ask you?
I walked to the mailbox down the street Sunday evening to drop off those cards of “thanks” off and on the way back I stopped in my local convenient store. There’s a red-haired lady who works there, and whenever I go in the store, no matter what time of day or night she’s always so kind and sweet to me. I wanted to stop in there tonight, just to let her know I appreciated it and how much of a difference that made in my life.
Maybe I’m old school, or maybe I’m just plain “old,” but I like to let people know that I appreciate their existence here on this planet and anything they might do to throw a little kindness my way doesn’t go unnoticed. There’s plenty of times I wonder if “I” make a difference in anyone’s life…and if “I” wonder that, what about all the lost souls walking around? What if YOU took the time to let one person know each day, that they mattered? What if you made a difference in a life today?
I love you, and thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this…