Detoxing from the THREE T’s Could Change Your Life!
Happy Monday, I’ve been on a quest to get back started on a journey I embarked on a week or two before Rosie came to live with me. I had invested in the Doctoral Metaphysical program at the UOM (University of Metaphysics). It’s an online self-paced program that I signed up for and was so excited about getting started. I wanted to get back to more of a spiritual, metaphysical lifestyle that I felt I had let fall by the wayside. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still all about Metaphysics and spirituality, but not to the degree I had before I moved to Cali and then my time in Cali.
So I asked myself, what’s the difference between now and then? I could list several things, but three stand out to me.
- I spend more time scrolling social media or Google (way more than I should) or trying to find a good Netflix film (my daughter put me on her Netflix account when I moved back, even though I strongly resisted)!
- It’s too easy to find excuses to visit a toxic friend when I know better (because I come home feeling depressed or anxiety-ridden).
- I make excuses of why I don’t go for a 5-mile walk because of the cold weather; then that depresses me.
- I get too involved in busy-work, instead of doing what my Soul really wants to do. (which is just spending some time each day NOT being a DO-BEE!)
Here’s my list of THREE things to give yourself a DETOX from: (some of you may already detox from some or all of these things)!
TECHNOLOGY – This includes the TV and tabloids (like scrolling TikTok, Instagram, Google or Facebook).
- TOXIC PEOPLE – You know who they are in your life, and they may even be related to you…
- TIME WASTERS – This is what I call being a DO-BEE, doing a lot of busy-work, which, when you look back at your day, you think, where did all the time go? And what do I have to show for it? This does not mean relaxing, spending time in your garden, or enjoying a good book or nature. (those are things that enhance your Soul).
It’s a proven fact that spending too much time on Social Media is bad for your mental health. It depresses people and causes them anxiety (because they’re comparing their lives to all those fake people on Social Media). Mindlessly scrolling through anything that doesn’t feed your brain or your Soul can’t be good for you in the long haul.
Toxic people are those people who drain the life out of you; they’re called blood-suckers (or Vampires). You DO have a choice in this world of who gets to spend time with you. Think about cutting bait between now and the next New Moon (which is November 13th, 4:27 am/EST at 20* Scorpio).
Do I even need to list the TIME-WASTERS? We all have our own things, and we probably know what they are, so I don’t need to tell you. Just take an inventory of your life and ask yourself, what do you do on any given day that can be eliminated?
Now that I’ve covered that, let’s replace the things we’re going to be detoxing from with something positive. We always need to fill a void with something that enriches our lives when we let go of something that sucks the life out of us.
Replace Technology with:
- reading an inspired book
- walking in the Metroparks
- visiting a museum
- trying a new healthy recipe
Replace your Toxic relationships with:
- hanging out at places where you meet like-minded people
- libraries, bookstores, flea markets, cooking classes
Replace your Time-Wasters with:
- things on that bucket list that you haven’t gotten to yet
- learn a foreign language
- go on a day trip to a place you’ve never been to before but feel intrigued
- spend a day at an Airbnb in a rural area where there is nothing but cows, horses, and trees for miles and miles
- go on a 3-day retreat to find your Soul
- you fill in the blank ____________
It is time to get started on my list; if this inspires or empowers you feel free to drop a coin in the tip jar;
Rosie & I at Boogaba (a rural Airbnb I took her for a pre-birthday weekend)
Brian Hooper, M.Div., Psy.D.
November 6, 2023 at 4:15 pm
Eva Starr, (Msc.D., candidate),
Congratulations on embarking on this course of study!
Great blog entry today; real magic is in the discipline of what we weed out and on what we set our attention. Thanks for the reminder!
Eva Starr
November 7, 2023 at 10:58 am
Thank you Brian, I learned from the best! Blessings, Starrbrite
C Holmes
November 6, 2023 at 5:27 pm
Hello. I must say this article is very inspiring. Currently, I am evaluating my life and progress of this past year. As well, as working on a plan in where I would like to see myself. I hope for the best. I thought it would be helpful just to share this information. It makes a whole lot of difference when one stays away from toxicity. One, can stay focus and get a lot done. It takes self-evaluation and consistency.
Eva Starr
November 7, 2023 at 10:59 am
Thank you Ceylon, I remember you and I’m glad to see you still read my Soul Food. Blessings, Eva