Soul Food-Deepak Chopra & The Book of Secrets (What YOU Need to Know)

February 3, 2021by Eva Starr2
Solitude Deepak
Deepak Book of Secrets

Deepak Book of Secrets

For those of you who know me, you know that I read about 15-20 books at one time (I know, crazy right?) mostly because I read non-fiction and it doesn’t matter where you leave off. Second, is I have Aries rising and that’s just what we do, start a billion things and not quite finish what we started, (I mean we do eventually).

I just picked up Deepak Chopra’s The Book of Secrets, Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life, I’ve evidently read parts of this book before, because I’m a highlight Queen & I underline the %$&* out of books I’m reading. This is what I want to share with you about Deepak’s book. 


The Wisdom You Are Already Living: Identifying with the Body’s Intelligence

  1. You have a higher purpose.
    • every cell agrees to work for the welfare of the whole, selfishness is not an option, even when it comes to a cell’s own survival
  2. You are in communion with the whole of life.
    • a cell keeps in touch with every other cell, withdrawing or refusing to communicate is not an option
  3. Your awareness is always open to change. From moment to moment, it senses everything in your environment.
    • cells adapt, from moment to moment, getting caught up in rigid habits is not an option
  4. You feel acceptance for all others as your equal, without judgment or prejudice.
    • cells recognize each other as equally important, going it alone is not an option
  5. You seize every moment with renewed creativity, not clinging to the old and outworn.
    • although every cell has a unique function, these combine in creative ways, clinging to old behavior is not an option’
  6. Your being is cradled in the rhythms of the universe. You feel safe and nurtured.
    • cells obey the Universal cycle of rest and activity, being excessively active or aggressive is not an option
  7. Your idea of efficiency is to let the flow of life bring you what you need. Force, control, and struggle are not your way.
    • cells function with the smallest possible expenditure of energy, excessive consumption of food, air or water is not an option
  8. You feel a sense of connection with your source.
    • due to their common genetic inheritance, cells know that they are fundamentally the same, being an outcast is not an option
  9. You are committed to giving as the source of all abundance.
    • the primary activity of cells is giving, which maintains the integrity of all other cells
  10. You see all change, including birth and death, against the background of immortality. Whatever is unchanging is most real to you.
    • cells reproduce in order to pass on their knowledge, experience, &  talents, withholding nothing from their offspring, the generation gap is not an option

Solitude Deepak


To sum this up, your body has infinite intelligence, greater than either you or I can conceive. The way we get in touch with this Divine Intelligence, our spirit, our soul is through silence, meditation. Metaphysics is a passion of mine, (I’m not just talking meditation here). I’ve been studying Metaphysics, the laws of the Universe, since the early ’70s. I’m going to be starting a FREE Zoom bi-weekly Metaphysics group, where we will meet and discuss different topics, books, authors, etc. We will meet each week at Noon/EST (Mondays & Wednesdays) starting Monday, Feb. 15th. If this is of interest to you please register below:


You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Feb 15, 2021, 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Thank You for your continued love & support,

Eva Starr

Eva Starr




  • PattieP

    February 3, 2021 at 3:10 pm

    This sounds so cool!! Thanks Eva!!❤


    • Eva Starr

      February 4, 2021 at 10:25 am

      Patti, I’m so glad you’ll be joining the group, looking forward to it!


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