The Chinese New Year is upon us, Feb. 8th 9:39am EST/6:39amPST, the Year of the Monkey. I’m a goat/sheep depending which menu you look at in a Chinese restaurant. I am actually looking forward to the Year of the Monkey. When you picture monkey, what do you think of, fun, barrel of moneys, laughter, shenanigans, and just plain ol’ freedom and fun.
According to Chines New Year ritual, these are the things to have done BEFORE the New Year:
- have your bills paid
- your house cleaned
- your hair washed (yes, they say do NOT wash your hair on the Chines New Year)
- and your floors swept (do NOT use a broom to sweep on the CNY)
On the Chinese New Year Day:
- display a bowl of mandarin oranges (even better if they still have the green leaves on them) eat one of the oranges
- give away Chinese red envelopes to your friends & family with a lucky coin in them or a dollar bill
- wear RED underwear (yes, even you men)
- eat fish (it brings in a surplus of abundance throughout the coming year)
Forecast for ALL the signs in the Year of the Monkey
ARIES: February brings with it opportunities bearing gifts in the career arenas, use your leadership skills Ram to also bring you more time, and money with the help of efforts from others.
TAURUS: For the Bull February brings good news about financial matters, look into a new field of study, something a little more challenging to bring the Bull out of his pen.
GEMINI: You’re juggling the Magician’s tool box this month Twins, seek out mentors and like minded individuals to help you. Even though you’re multi-talented you still need to ask for help.
CANCER: Love comes entering the Crab’s shell this month of Lovers. Be wise, be cautious and weigh everything out before jumping head over heels into the sea of love.
LEO: Normally, you’re all about fun, However, the Lion needs to give some attention to business, look over contracts and documents before signing on the dotted line. Abundance is headed to your Jungle.
VIRGO: The seeds you planted need time to sprout, you; the “gardener of the Zodiac” should know better than others. Let the seeds do what they need to do & push that unnecessary worry right out the door.
LIBRA; It’s time to share the wealth Libra, weigh out those scales and decide who needs your help this month. Giving to those less fortunate balances out the scales of Karma, you decide.
SCORPIO: Mars is still in the sign of the Scorpion, however, there IS light at the end of the tunnel. Embrace change and look for the skies to be partly sunny, instead of partly cloudy, and you’re out of the dark.
SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to stretch that bow and arrow of yours and aim for something higher than you think you can do. Assert your independence and creativity, you’re stronger and brighter than you think,
CAPRICORN: The Goat’s in for quite an adventure this month. Loosen up those practicality strings and go for the original, inventive and avant-garde. Get a little mischievous, outgoing and creative.
AQUARIUS: News of a celebration is at hand, a wedding, birth or graduation. Yes, this means it’s time for you to have more FUN. Get out and about, do the hokey-pokey, laugh, enjoy and do it again.
PISCES: The fish has been swimming in too many ponds, it’s time for a little balance and some objectivity. Put the words cooperation and compromise into your vocabulary this month, timing is everything.
Also, the “flavors of the month” for 50% off discounts on my most popular charts the Solar Returns are: Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces…email me for details.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your love and support!