Soul Food-Calling all Pisces,Aries,Taurus,Geminis & Cancers/+What’s Your Soul’s Purpose

May 8, 2020by Eva Starr0

It’s time for me to take a break from all my D-Cluttering I’ve been doing around my home since COVID-19 & get back to my passion, ASTROLOGY! I love doing Solar Return charts more than any chart I do. In fact, I’ve saved all of mine for the last 20+ years! I was just looking at mine from 1995, and 1998 comparing some planetary similarities. This is what a Solar Return can tell you:

  • Your Ascendant (Rising sign) changes with each Solar Return, this lets you know your personality & sets the vibe for the year. It also is a predictor of main events. I have a friend who had Cancer (zodiac sign) as her Ascendant for the year, which denotes children if you’re of the child-bearing age. I told her she would be a grandmother this year. She told me ain’t happening, both of her daughters were told they couldn’t have children and had been trying for a while. I said “I don’t care about that, you’re going to be a grandma!” Lo and Behold, she became a grandma, TWICE, BOTH of her daughters had babies that year.
  • Your $Money$: What planets are in the second and eighth houses give you the blueprint for what’s going o with your finances for the year. Whether your income is rock steady, or your income flows in and out like the tides…or maybe this is the year you need to consolidate your debt.
  • Love & Marriage: This is by far one of the biggest questions people ask “Am I going to find love?” The Solar Return chart can indicate based on your house of romance, and the marriage house (two different houses) whether you’re going to have a wild fling, or be ready to take that walk down the aisle.
  • Is this the year of solitude and reflection? There are major indicators in a Solar Return chart that point to a more self-introspective type a year as opposed to a year of full-blown party animal.
  • Relocation: The year I drove across the country, left everything behind and moved to San Diego was strongly indicated by my Solar Return chart.
  • Health: The health indicators I feel are the “most helpful” by shedding the light on what’s happening behind the “health” door, giving you huge cues as to how to proceed with any exercise or dietary changes coming that year. There are planetary influences that let you know this is the year you lose weight or quit smoking.

I’ve extended the “Flavors of the Month” to include a couple extra signs, because of the COVID-19 I haven’t sent out my Solar Return blog in quite some time. So, for Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, & Cancers Half-Off 50% Discount (includes bonus phone consultation) with 20-26 page report.

Email me [email protected] with birth info.

For those of you who already ordered your Solar Return or it’s not your birthday month, I’m running a special on my Karmic Insight chart. During these unprecedented times do you wonder about the possibilities that lie ahead, wouldn’t it be nice to have a guided map? I’m talking about the Celestial Heavens, the Stars and the Planets. The Past Life Karma Insights report takes an esoteric view of your personalized birth chart focusing on your spiritual strengths and weaknesses, based on past lives, and how to best utilize this information in your life now to fulfill your Soul’s purpose.

Mother’s Day Special, $25 email me at [email protected] with your birth info.

With Blessings & Gratitude,

Eva Starr


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