Soul Food-Calling all Libras, Scorpios, & Sagittarians for Reach for the Moon TV Show/Stop Beating up on Yourself

August 22, 2019by Eva Starr0

Do you have a passion, a unique talent, a special gift or are just plain amazing? I’m lining up my special guest stars for the next few Reach for the Moon TV shows, and am looking for you. Check out my Reach for the Moon TV Show page to see the latest shows & get an idea of how super simple & laid back it is to do a guest spot on my show. If interested text (440-930-8865) or email me [email protected] to be considered for a guest position.

Brittany Tenis, Youngstown State soccer star & software developer was my special guest star for my Virgo show. She makes it look so simple & easy (to do the show), because it is, super chill. If you never give it a try, you’ll never know if you’re going to be the next Super Star. Click here for more on Brittany and the Virgo show. I’ll also be lining up Capricorn, Aquarius, & Pisces a few months down the road.



5 Tips to Stop Beating up on Yourself

  • Stop the Inner Bully
    • focus more on positive self-talk

Years ago someone started a Complaint-Free World with a rubber bracelet you wore on your hand, I wrote about it in an old blog, and even ordered about ten bracelets & passed them out to friends. The object is everytime you catch yourself saying anything negative, you switch the bracelet to the other hand. Imagine how many times you speak negative things about yourself? At the end of each night, write out a list of all the postive things you said or did that day! Click on the above website for more info.

  •  Be Kind to You
    • don’t say to yourself what you wouldn’t dare say to a loved one or a best friend
  • STOP comparing yourself to others (this one thing alone will remove so much stress from your life)
    • just be the BEST “YOU” that you can be
  • Look at your mistakes as part of life’s Journey and…
    • opportunities to learn from
  • Be Patient with Yourself
    • Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither were your bad habits

That’s all for now…thank you for your continued love & support,

Blessings & Gratitude,

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