- An astrological chart calculated at the exact moment the Sun RETURNS to the same degrees and minutes as on the day of your birth
- It runs from birthday to birthday, however, is usually activated as much as three months prior
- Acts like a Reader’s Digest version of your life chart, but just for that particular birthday year
- Spells out the theme’s and areas of your life which will be highlighted and of importance during that birthday year
- Is a powerful GPS pointing out the pathways, detours, challenges, and successes guiding you on your path
- Shines the flashlight on the areas which will be pertinent throughout the year, (i.e. health, career, finances or relationships)
The Solar Return Special (50% 0ff) goes to the Capricorns, Aquarians, and Pisces. Order yours today, or a birthday gift for a friend.
Thank you for your support of my work with Spirit,
Eva Starr & Ziggy Starrdust