Soul Food-Blue Full Moon

March 30, 2018by Eva Starr0

Our second full moon of March is a Blue Moon, arriving on the scene at 8:36am EDT, at almost 11* Libra, March 31st. Libra embodies everything beautiful, peaceful and harmonious. Think of flowers, artists, weddings, music, and nature. At the time of this Blue Full Moon Taurus is rising on the horizon, which is ruled by Venus. Venus co-rules Libra (the sign of the full moon) and Taurus, (which is rising).

These aspects are highlighting our connection with the Divine as it appears in nature all around us. Do your best to meditate on these themes and take a walk in nature letting your spiritual essence shine through and feeling the blessings that are being showered upon humanity and Planet Earth.

The Taurus element opens our eyes to the abundance in our lives. Choose your thoughts wisely, become aware where you are putting your energies at this time for they will become amplified. Focus on gratitude, your blessings and see yourself being abundantly blessed in these areas of your lives. Recognize the almighty benevolence in your world around you, counting your blessings and see yourself and others with their cups over-flowing with God’s grace.

Astrologist Sarah Varcas said: “Whoever we are, whatever our circumstances and no matter our astrological acumen, we can all use the energy of a blue moon to focus our intent and glean deeper insight into who we are, what makes us tick and how to reinvest current outcomes to forge a positive, productive and perhaps most important of all, authentic, future.”

In keeping with the Libran theme of “balancing the scales” take a look at your own life and see where you may be “out of balance.” As I always say at this time of the month, with the energy of release that comes with each full moon; “Let go of what no longer serves who you are and who you are becoming.” Think of it as shedding your winter coat, let go of that heavy baggage you’ve been carrying around all winter. Spring is upon us, new belief systems, the planting of new seeds (the Aries Sun). Light your candle, release that which has been weighing you down into the flame. What a perfect time for this full moon, as the next day “we arise to a new dawn,” Easter morning.

Bottom line: Enjoy the second Blue Moon of the year on March 31, 2018. The second of two Blue Moons in one calendar year won’t happen again until March 31, 2037.

Enjoy Elvis’s Blue Moon:

With Gratitude, Eva Starr






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