Soul Food-Beaver Full Moon/How to FINALLY Let Go…

November 2, 2017by Eva Starr0

The November Full Moon is all about water. Early American Colonists and some Indian tribes referred to this as the Beaver Moon for this was the time of the year beavers were very active and traps were set. Many American Indian tribes named this moon for the time the rivers started to freeze and the first snows and frosts came. The Wishram Indians of the North-West calling this time of the year the “snowy mountains in the morning moon”. This November the exact time of the Full Moon will be just before midnight on Nov 3rd for the West Coast and Mountain time zones and just after midnight for Central and East Coast United States. (credit to Moongiant)   


What this means to You:

  • It occurs at 12* Taurus? Scorpio
  • Taurus wants us to find emotional fulfillment with the tangible, while Scorpio wants us to dig deep & look at the complex & mysterious in our lives
  • Our job: be grateful for what we have, while opening ourselves up to “NEW” ideas & concepts (the deeper/darker side of our psyches)
  • Keep track of your dreams during the next few days
  • Dare to do something scary, (referring to those skeletons you’ve buried)
  • Pay attention PERIOD!

As you are aware by now if you’ve been reading my blog for the last 17 years, it’s a time of purging, letting go of what no longer serves who you are & who you are becoming…so HOW do we do this? It’s like this, when you take a long-distance flight let’s say Italy, you take your baggage with you. Life is the same way, you may move from coast-to-coast (sound familiar, aka Eva Starr), but your baggage still goes with you, (OUCH!) Trust me on this one, it’ll still be there when you come back. Here’s a few steps to get you started: (mind you I said a “few” steps to get you “started”)

  • Identify: (the first step is admittance), recognize the issue. Now for the sake of saving your sanity during all of this, we’re going to pick ONE issue, period! This is a process, God didn’t create the world in one day, he took six, then rested.
  • Self-Reflection: another ouch, I realize most of you would rather shut the door to that closet, but open it you must. Pay attention to the triggers that set off the negative behavior, notice the “feelings” in your body and where, stop, breathe & journal. Be the Zen observer.
  • Be Committed: You don’t need to wait for Lent, (that’s just an excuse). Keep a journal, (are you getting this one?), keep track of your commitment to this issue, track it, just like a jogger’s journal, preparing for a marathon. After all, you DO want to change this negative behavior, don’t you? Be accountable! If you need an accountability coach, call me.
  • Be Gentle with yourself: In other words, don’t eat the whole cake, just because you had one slice. Does it really have to be all or nothing? Find the balance, reward your positive actions.

Feel free to call me (440-930-8865) or email me for a complimentary life coaching consultation.

As Always, Thank you for your continued Love & Support,

Eva Starr,



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