Know a little or nothing at all about Astrology? Not to worry, this class is for all levels, especially beginners and intermediate. Learn what makes water signs emotional, & why fire signs are hot under the collar. What does a triple Aquarius mean? Learn about the 12 houses & planetary placements. Get the “truth” about Mercury Retrograde. Understand Venus & Mars in your chart & what makes your mate tick!
*You will work with your OWN chart and me in each class, with individualized instruction. In eight weeks time, you will have more understanding about astrology than you’ve ever had. By the end of this course you will be able to do and interpret your own chart and charts of friends and family.
Class dates: Monday evenings, 7-8:30pm June 5th-July 31st (NO class July 3rd) $60 (this works out to $5 an hour, EASILY AFFORDABLE!) Click here to Register HERE:
Class description:
Week 1: Sun signs & what they mean/Glyphs
Week 2: Planets/Planetary rulerships/Jupiter in your chart
Week 3: The houses, what they represent/Rising signs
Week 4: Retrograde planets/Void of Course Moon/The Moon’s Nodes
Week 5: Elements; Fire, Water, Earth & Air/Planetary Aspects
Week 6: Qualities; Fixed, Mutable & Cardinal/Part of Fortune
Week 7: Male (Mars) – Female (Venus) combinations/Solar Returns/Synastry charts
Week 8: Q & A/Overview/Astrology Readings
Thank you to everyone who read this for sharing this with everyone you know who may be interested.
A BIG THANK YOU for supporting me,
Love, Eva Starr