Soul Food-Are You a FOMO or a JOMO?
On June 29th, 1989 (33 years ago) two things happened BOTH of which are still a huge part of my world today:
- First, I gave birth to my baby girl, Shayna K. Benning – who is my pride and joy blessing child.
- The second being on that very day, I choose to give up Television and newspapers, which is still true today, 33 years later. I also knew I wanted to change my life around now and I needed to make profound changes for that to happen.
Throughout the last 33 years, people I meet are still blown away by number two! Then, of course, the inevitable question: “How do you know what’s going on in the world?” I explain to them my belief is “whatever it is that I need to know, somehow, someway, the Universe gets it to me.”
Back in the day after this decision, I was bartending and one of my customers said to me “Eva, did you know the Lumberjacks (a local Cleveland hockey team) aren’t playing this Saturday, due to the Cleveland Browns playoff game, it’s been canceled?” I usually took Shayna to the Lumberjacks games on Saturday afternoons, and my customer knew this. He then retorted “See, how would you have known that because you don’t watch TV or listen to the News?” I then responded, “you just told me!”
I have a plethora of stories like this one, that exemplifies my belief, that the Universe will get the information to me.
I write in a gratitude journal nightly before bed, and last night I came across the acronyms FOMO and JOMO, (Fear of Missing Out) and (the Joy of Missing Out)…hmm interesting?
Anti-FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) According to Wattpad, the world’s largest social network of readers and writers, early Gen Z’s (those born between 1995-2015) may be the most stressed-out current demographic. Still, these young people managed to find peace by embracing JOMO (the Joy of Missing Out) by creating a balance between the offline and online, limiting their online time to things that offer more positive takeaways.
I was Kool before it was “in” to be Kool, myself being a member of the JOMO before I even heard of such a thing, 33 years later.
Born Ages
Gen Z: 1997 – 2012 (10 – 25)
Millennials: 1981 – 1996 (26 – 41)
Gen X: 1965 – 1980 (42 – 57)
Boomers II*: 1955 – 1964 (58 – 67)
Boomers I*: 1946 – 1954 (68 – 76)
Post War: 1928 – 1945 (77 – 94)
WWII: 1922 – 1927 (95 – 100)
Now you know what generation category you fall in.

Although I never knew there was such a thing (FOMO vs JOMO) until late last night, writing in my journal, I’ve put together a list of links for you to pick and choose which research you prefer to read: One of the sites, proclaims a $100,000.00 reward (offered by Vitaminwater) if you can go phoneless for a year. Giving up TV and newspapers is easier than you think, (I have NOT owned a television for 33 years now). However, giving up my phone for a year, is a bit much, even for me!
PS Scroll down & feel free to drop a comment in the comment box below~Ziggy Starrdust loves hearing your positive feedback.
Ziggy Starrdust & Eva Starr
May 23, 2022 at 11:49 am
I love this Eva! Thank you!
Eva Starr
May 23, 2022 at 12:14 pm
Janis, anytime, you ROCK! Love, Eva