Soul Food-Angel Card Readings-Living in the Moment

July 22, 2016by Eva Starr0

Hi everyone, this will be brief, (as brief as Eva Starr can be). As most everyone knows by now my mom passed away thirteen days ago. It has hit me way harder than I would’ve ever thought! It has caused a lot of reflection in my life, (as one might expect) and I’ve come to understand (finally) what it really means to be in the “now” the “present” the “moment” call it what you want.

The thing you are doing “right now” whether it’s eating, mowing the lawn, talking to your kids, playing with your pets, or working. Really feel that which you are doing, if you’re enjoying it…enjoy it to the hilt. If on the other hand you are doing something less pleasant be with your pain, sorrow or whatever it may be at the time. This is crucial in being able to move forward in life. So many times we’re somewhere, with someone, doing something and we are taking it for granted; or too busy checking our cell phones (a huge pet peeve of mine). Take time out today to smell the roses, or whatever it is you’re doing or going to do!

After my morning meditation, I sat down to write a final letter to my mom. It wasMom High School heart-wrenching to say the least, and the tears didn’t stop falling down my cheeks, nor did the sobbing lessen. After I finished the letter, I burned it and said my good-byes to my mom. I felt a sense of peace afterwards while also realizing how precious time and life are…I pass this on to you…


Since I’m in still in the process of seeking employment I thought I’d start using the gifts God gave me instead of letting them sit idle. As you know I did “angel cardAngel-Astrology readings” quite a bit while I was in Cleveland. Just recently I decided to hone my skills and finished the Doreen Virtue Certified Angel Card Reader course. It was pretty intense, a lot more in-depth than I thought it would be. I am officially graduated and certified and have been practicing with students who are still taking the course around the globe. I’ve done quite a few readings (in-between looking for work), for people from Portugal, Alberta, Canada, England, Alaska, Rhode Island, you name it! The feedback I’ve been getting has been tremendous. Which brings me to you…as I am now ready to “get back into it.”

Here’s how it works for the next “24” days (cuz my birthday is on the 24th of June and I like that number) I will be running a special till August 14th for $15 per reading. After August 14th they will be regular price.

Here’s how it works:

  • click here to pay
  • email [email protected] your
    • question or if you prefer a general reading
    • birth-date (month & day only)
    • they will be answered on a first come basis
    • I will email your detailed reading back to you

For those of you who don’t prefer a reading but would like to offer your support, just click on the angel wings above. Thank you for your support during my time of transition.

Love & Gratitude,

Eva Starr
Eva Starr

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