We all need a refresher course from time-to-time, including me. I have taken different prosperity courses over the years, and read a plethora of books on the subject, but still need gentle reminders, (sometimes hit me with a brick reminder) every now and then. The other night I picked up a book by John Adams, (which I had read before) called Power Words for Prosperous Living. I am a big highlighter and write in all my books, make little notes and highlight along the way, which I always find interesting when I go to read the book again what I found significant at the point in my life. This particular book I had read back in 2015 according to the signature from the author.
Here we are five years down the road, and what’s interesting to me is prosperity principles never change, only our perception of them or our use of them. We all start off with good intention when we embark on any type of program, whether it’s for the first time or the zillionth time. Here’s what remains to stand the test of time, as far as prosperity principles go:
regardless of outside principle (the Corona pandemic) there will always be people who are thriving, the outside principle doesn’t have anything to do with it. Argue with me if you will, but when I was teaching the Louise Hay principles, that was one of Louise’s number principles when it comes to prosperity. I could give you hundreds of examples to prove this a solid principle. Don’t buy into the poverty mindset, where there’s a will there’s a way. If God brought you to it, she/he will bring you through it. Need I go on? (I have examples I can share with you, just give me a call, if you’re still a doubting Thomas)
- Be grateful for what you have, instead of complaining of what you don’t have. Bless your bills, each and every time you pay them. Bless your money when you hand it over to the cashier, treat your money with respect, don’t bunch it up in your pocket or your purse. Money is energy, treat it with sacredness it deserves.
What goes in must come out. Blessing and releasing money is like a magnet. It’s like anything in life, the more you send out, the more you get back. Money doesn’t have glue on it, if you’re tithing or donating it out to the Universe it will come back to you ten-fold, trust me on this one. I myself, am a huge believer in tithing to where I’m inspired or spiritually fed, and have reaped the benefits. If you’ve ever heard Edwene Gaines speak, you’ll know what I’m talking about. As Edwene would say, when someone would say to her “I can’t afford to tithe” in Edwene’s voice “Honey, you can’t afford not to.” Again, I have a ton of stories of my own to substantiate the power of tithing in my own life, give me a call if you’ve got a couple hours to listen to them.
- Think before you speak! Just imagine every day is Mercury Retrograde. Your words are POWERFUL, and what you think, and then put into words manifests out into the Universe. Like I said earlier, money is energy, and each and every time you speak about how broke you are or how abundant you are the Universe gives you exactly what you ask for. You tell me, which is it that you’d rather manifest?
- Stop with the idle chatter and nonessential musings. Look at where you spend your time. Are you dwelling on the news, and living in fear mode? Do you spend time reading stories of other people’s losses, or mass tragedies? Think about how you spend your time and energy. They say if you want to find out how you’re thinking, or how you spend most of your time, take a look at your life, and that’ll tell you sure as s _ _ _ .
Like I said earlier, we all need a refresher from time-to-time, even me, (which is why I pick up a prosperity book here and there). Here are a few prosperity affirmations that I am particularly fond of: (pick one that resonates with you or make up one of your own)
All that I touch turns to gold and green, I am a magnet drawing prosperity.
- I am my father’s child, and heir to the kingdom, thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Life is good, and all is well, I am safe!
- I am open and receptive to the abundance in my life now, thank you God.
- I am divinely guided in all that I do, thank you, thank you, thank you.
- I open my arms wide to receive all the blessings the Universe has for me today.
Those are just a few, remember always keep your affirmations in present tense, or thank as if you have already received. Never put it someday, or I will, or I want etc.
New Moon is Friday, May 22nd, at 2* Gemini, 1:39pm/EDT & 1-:39amPDT. Here’s a link for your new moon abundance check. If I have time in the next day or so I’ll send out a more detailed blog on the New Moon.
Blessings, Love & Gratitude,
Eva Starr