Releasing the Need

January 11, 2012by Eva Starr0

I’ve been working on this blog for awhile now, then last night I had a dream. I’ll get right to the point, (for those of you who know me that could take days). The dream pointed me to a specific page in a particular book that I’ve studied several times. As I awoke I went straight to the book and there it was “releasing the need.”

When working on ourselves and working with affirmations we can look at yet another avenue, hence releasing the need for the particular thing. Take this blog for example, if I wasn’t so concerned about it being perfect I would’ve had it up and running ages ago. Which takes me to releasing the need for perfectionism.  If I sat with that for awhile I could ask myself “why does everything need to be perfect?” Well, some things in my life don’t have to be perfect, like dusting, I don’t DUST! PERIOD! Yet again, I guess I feel other things need just a tad more of my crazy obsession with perfectionism.

Going into my psyche a little further I could think hummmmmmmn the perfectionism thing hinges on other people’s approval. Now I could release the need for other people’s approval, which again in certain areas of my life I don’t care what people think. For example, I used to shave my head when I lived in Cleveland for about six years. Certain male individuals would say to me “how do you expect to get a man with hair that short?” WHAT! Are you freaking kidding me? I don’t care what people think about my hair, I wear it for me not them. Let’s not even talk about are men that shallow, that they date you for your hair?

Let’s end this with look at whatever addiction, dysfunction or rut you’re working on and ask yourself what is the need for that particular issue then look in a mirror and say out loud (while looking deep into your soul) I am releasing the need for __________. While you’re at it you may enjoy this article on Releasing the Need for Chaos and Control (for you exercise freaks out there) at the Tiny Buddha.

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