Release, Reflect & Mercury Retrograde

March 11, 2012by Eva Starr0
No I said “Thursday at Two…Not Tuesday at Noon. Does that sound familiar? Well, the good news is: Mickey Mouse

  • you’re not alone
  • it doesn’t have to be that painful
  • I’m going to do my best to get you through this Mercury Retrograde with just a few bruises, well maybe a scrape or two

Let’s get the logistics straight, Mercury Retrograde officially begins Monday, March 12 in Aries (oh boy lucky me, Aries Rising) at 3:49am EDT and 0:49am PDT. For all extensive purposes when you wake up Monday morning let the games begin.


If that isn’t enough to bring out the battle fatigues, Saturn (the Lesson Maker) has been Retrograde since February 7th and will continue on forcing us to become more responsible and disciplined in the areas of the house it falls in until June 25th (yahoo a day after my birthday, Thank You Jesus). Saturn is Retrograde in the sign of Libra (relationships), so we need to reassess our relationships in the areas that Saturn falls, (i.e. health, fiances, coworkers etc.). For those of you who just “have to” know more about the retrogrades here’s a great site I stumbled across Retrograde Planets. (and if you need your chart done you know who to call, yours truly)


For myself Saturn is Retrograding in my house of health, and that’s just about the time I was told I need to go to the Spine Institute and have another assessment regarding my back injury from the car accident. It’s also interesting that for about the last month or so I’ve been feeling very strongly I should give up wine. Now mind you, I do like my wine but we’re talking a glass or two in the evening before bed, not like I was sleeping outside the liquor store waiting for it to open with a loaded sawed off shotgun.


Nevertheless I did decide to give up wine during my 21-day consciousness cleanse (which is turning into 30 days), as of now I’m only on day #5 of the consciousness cleanse but day 10 of no wine. It’s no wonder I’ve taken to this impending notion that I need to cleanse both my physical and spiritual bodies! If I would’ve known that my giving up wine was giong to happen during a Mercury Retrograde I would have never in a million years picked this time to do such a ridculous thing. But the fact remains I did, so trust me I’m going to lay it all out for you to make this Retrograde totally pain free, (I have a lot invested in this particualr Retrograde).

Rules of the Retrograde Road


Mercury Retrograde

This period of Retrograde we are approaching is a catalyst for “change.” That’s right with the previous Saturn Retrograde and now Mercury Retrograde it is forcing us to come out of our comfort zones and quit doing things the same ol’ way we’ve always done them.

Mercury is connecting with Uranus on March 12th, and trust me when I say this IF you aren’t ready to make these changes yourself, when Uranus hits the planet you’ll think you’re back in Kansas. Dorothy & the Wicked Witch of the East will be child’s play compared to what Uranus can shake up. You’ll need more than Mr. Clean to wipe out that tornado.

Don’t get me wrong Mercury isn’t a bad guy, wearing a ski mask who’s out to get you. He just wants to make sure you cross your t’s and dot your i’s and pay attention to the details in your world, especially when it comes to communication. When I speak about communication I’m referring to how you communicate, whether it’s insert foot in mouth, or driving your car, or surfing the Internet, Mercury doesn’t play favorites.

So here’s what we can do to soothe this Winged God’s feathers and make his stay more user friendly.

  •  We need to be asking the bigger question, start thinking globally instead of what’s happening in your world, (because trust me, what’s happening out there is happening in your world, it’s time you get hip to this. I’ve been writing about this for weeks now).
  • Your apple cart is about to get turned upside down, so take a deep breath, think before you act, and work toward RE-solution
  • People from your past are going to start popping up like “the night of the living dead” so talk it out and RE-solve the issues, (b/c if you don’t they’ll show up at the next Retrograde party, trust me on this one)
  • Addictions may start to raise their ugly head, so forewarned is forearmed
  • Approach this Retrograde period from a “soul growth” level instead of a “victim-hood” level and you’ll fare much better
  • With this Retrograde starting out in Aries it’s time to take the initiative, start thinking like a leader, a pioneer, go for the gusto, tread into territory others dared not tread
  • It’s a time to do all things beginning with RE: relax, revise, restore, review, recheck, and revisit…

I’m going to end this on a good note; During this Retrograde are also blessings from Heaven, a Jupiter/Pluto trine added to the Mars Retrograde in Virgo and we have a Grand Trine aspect occurring in the earth signs. This is a “gift” a diamond in the raw, so use that God given Grace and breeze through this Retrograde a better person due to the changes you are willing to make! 


PS: Mercury turns Direct at 6:11am EDT, if it was me I’d seriously

wait to send in those taxes until AFTER April 4th. (I’m just saying!)


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