There is so much to talk about when it comes to this Full Moon Pisces/Virgo combination. The moon is in Pisces 16 degrees and the Sun is opposing it at 16 degrees Virgo, hence the Full Moon. For those of you on the East Coast this will occur at 9:38pm (EDT) and for my West Coast friends 6:38 pm (PDT). I will skip most of the astrological jargon to avoid confusing you and get right to the point, (as best as an Aries Rising person can without jumping all over the page).
CHANGE it is a coming, (Etta James) should be your theme song for this Full Moon. This is the time to change direction, get your mojo working, commit to something, finally (something different) quit putting the same damn ingredients in that cake of yours. Get the hell out of your comfort zone. Let Go of what is no longer serving who you are and who you are becoming. Here’s a Catherine Ponder affirmation I highly recommend to get rid of that baggage and clear the road for something fresh, new and different to enter your life. “I let go of everything and everybody that is no longer a part of the divine plan of my life where all conditions are permanently perfect.”
Remember it is virtually impossible to let go of something the Universe feels you still need, there is an automatic divine censor that protects us, “whatever is meant to be yours will not pass you by.” So let’s not worry ourselves into a tizzy wondering if we’re letting go of the “wrong” thing. RELEASE is crucial to bringing NEW good into your life. Think back to your Louise Hay classes with me, when I had you clean out your closets, refrigerators, cars, or your garage and repeat “I am cleaning out the closets of my mind, releasing that which no longer serves who I am and who I am becoming.” This is all very metaphorical, therapeutic, and necessary!
Once you’ve purged, let go, and release making way for the new, now you need to fill that void…“I am receiving. I am receiving now.. I am receiving all the wealth that the Universe has for me now.” Don’t forget to tithe as your wealth appears, Give to God first, (wherever you are spiritually fed), then do something nice for yourself second, then give to someone else third. You cannot out give God.
With the moon being in Pisces, get ready for a release of the tears, yea, Niagara Falls may be running a close second to what you’re about ready to release. It’s OK, let it flow, crying is a form of release, and very cleansing. For those of you a little less teary-eyed your release may just be about a cleaning frenzy or a night spent soul-searching deep into the archives of your Soul.
This is YOUR world, and you can create it any way you damn well please Change that old 45 record you’ve been spinning about your childhood, or the divorce or that son-of-a-bitch that did you wrong. You don’t have to be that story. Re-write it. How about trying this one on for size? “I can’t explain it but everything I touch turns to gold, I am so blessed with so much love in my life, it just keeps on giving. People ask me all the time, how do you do it? I tell them God is my CEO and I just listen to his advice, and my intuition is razor sharp.”
Get the picture, the Universe only knows what you tell it, and it listens to that same tape day in and day out. So start telling it what you WANT to happen. IMAGINE your life how you WANT it to be. You must put your order into the Cosmic Kitchen, give it to God and TELL him/her exactly what you want. Then RELEASE it, the HOW is up to God, it always has been, but you’re too busy with your hands all over God’s steering wheel.
Get back in the passenger seat and leave the driving to God. Do you think he can’t read your GPS? When he takes you on a detour and it’s not the road you planned, trust that he knows better than you, so quit your bitchin,’ turn over the reins and get ready for the ride of your life.
Oh yea; one last final note, since you’re going to be changing and asking for all this great stuff, you better prepare for it. Take a lead from Kevin Costner, “build it and they will come.”
This is Eva Starr saying thank you for your continued generosity and support. I love you; now go show the world what you’re made of!