Practice vs Theory

October 13, 2013by Eva Starr0

theory-vs-practice“Deal more with practice and less with theory.” ~ Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill happens to be one of my favorite writers, for those of you who aren’t familiar “Think and Grow Rich” was the book that put him on the map so to speak. I have a daily desk calendar of his and the above  is today’s quote.

My interpretation is this:

  • We “say” alot of things, but we need to “do” more of what we say.
  • All the theory in the world isn’t going to take precedence over practice.
  • What’s the fastest way to get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, Practice, Practice.
  • Exercise is good in theory and I will admit it’s better to visualize you’re exercising then do nothing at all, but ARE YOU VISUALIZING YOU’RE EXERCISING? I didn’t think so!

I will conclude this quick post for today, more later.

“There’s a theory that states that perseverance and discipline are the keys to success…this will not work unless you put it into practice.” ~ Eva Starr

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